Where does pineapple grow? How is it grown? A trip around the world

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table of contents

  • Origin and Distribution
  • sorts
  • Cayenne group
  • Queen group
  • Spanish group
  • Pernambuco group
  • Perolera group
  • Soil and climate
  • Cultivation
  • Multiplication

With its sweet, sour taste, the pineapple brings the warm south to your plate. Thanks to modern means of transport, the fruit is available in German supermarkets all year round. To achieve this, she has come a long way, because the cultivation takes place exclusively in warm countries. The following article takes you on a journey around the world and provides exciting facts about the origin and production of the golden yellow fruit.

Origin and Distribution

The pineapple comosus has its origin in northern Brazil and Venezuela. Christopher Columbus, to whom the native Latin American people gave the sweet fruit a welcome present, then imported the fruit to Europe. America is still considered one of the most important suppliers, but nowadays pineapples grow in almost all countries that have a sufficiently warm climate. The following countries have the highest crop yields (in descending order):

  • Costa Rica
  • Philippines
  • Brazil
  • Thailand
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Nigeria
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Mexico

German grocery chains obtain their goods primarily from the Ivory Coast, Costa Rica, Ghana, Honduras and South Africa. Due to the numerous growing areas, the Ananas comosus is available all year round in this country. Spain is considered to be the largest export nation in Europe. However, the pineapple grows there in the glass house.

Pull pineapple


Every pineapple plantation offers different conditions, so that there are now countless varieties of the fruit. In order to roughly subdivide these, there are mainly five special types:

Cayenne group

  • most consumed variety
  • light yellow pulp
  • very aromatic
  • low in fibers
  • up to four kilograms in weight
  • cylindrical fruit
  • orange-yellow skin

Queen group

  • slightly smaller fruits
  • narrow, curved, prickly leaves
  • up to 1.3 kilograms in weight
  • low in fibers
  • sweet and aromatic
  • intense yellow pulp

Spanish group

  • long, narrow, prickly leaves
  • up to 2.3 kilograms in weight
  • very rich in fibers
  • white pulp
  • red-yellow skin

Pernambuco group

  • long, narrow, prickly leaves with a red stripe
  • low in fibers
  • white yellow flesh
  • cylindrical shape
  • green yellow shell
  • The main growing areas are Venezuela and Brazil
  • serve as food there

Perolera group

  • long, broad leaves with a light green base
  • intense yellow pulp
  • red-yellow skin

Soil and climate

The only requirement for growing pineapples is a warm climate with temperatures of 24-30 ° C. Values ​​below this range lead to reduced growth and brown spots in the pulp. However, temperatures below 15 ° C cause the plant to perish.
A precipitation rate of 1000-1500 mm per year promotes the yield of the Ananas comosus. However, waterlogging must not form in the soil. The plant grows reliably in sandy, peaty soil, whereby a pH value below 5.5 is important. Otherwise the fruit does not make any special demands on its location. Long dry periods and extreme heat are also well tolerated.

Pineapple plants


Pineapples also grow in the shade, which is why they are often found under mango, cashew or palm trees. Long trenches are dug on the plantation and covered with dark sheeting for better heat development. To place the pineapple cuttings, holes are cut in the foil. Since the plant needs relatively little water, drip irrigation is sufficient. After one to two years, the first income will be generated. After the harvest, it is customary to pull more fruit from the side shoots. A single pineapple comosus plant produces fruit about two to three times.

Not everything is gold

The sweet taste and the golden yellow pulp have given the exotic fruit the nickname “Queen of Fruit”. However, the plantation economy is criticized by environmental activists. Because large amounts of the rainforest have been cleared for the cultivation area in recent years. In order to increase the nutrient content of the soil and avoid overgrowing weeds, plantation owners often use salty fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, the monoculture in the same location promotes the development of pests and the spread of diseases.
Fortunately, organic farming has now established itself in some countries around the world. Annual crop rotations prevent the above-mentioned points of criticism.

From flower to fruit

Pineapple grows on a stem. Initially, purple-colored flowers are formed. They grow together to form a fruit that only begins to ripen properly when the buds have faded. It takes several years for the fruit to develop its sweet, aromatic flesh.

Pineapple plant with purple flowers


The cuttings of the fruit are actually obtained from the forelock, which could be put into the ground at once. However, it is important to ensure that no residues of the pulp are planted, as the plant would rot quickly in this case. However, the pineapple comosus comes on the market with the crown of leaves. Therefore, one uses the side shoots for propagation. These so-called saplings are characterized by their rapid root formation. For new breeds, however, the pollination process has proven its worth.

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