191 beautiful female cat names with meaning

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female cat names with meaning

table of contents

  • Criteria when choosing a name
  • Cat names with character meanings
  • Female cat names from A - J
  • Cat names with meanings from K - Z
  • Cat names with nice meanings
  • Cat names with nice meanings from A - K
  • Beautiful cat names from L - Z
  • frequently asked Questions

Cats are among the most popular pets in Germany. If you have a cute little fur ball of your own, you may still be looking for a suitable name. But have you also considered names with meaning? We introduce you to beautiful female cat names with meaning.

Criteria when choosing a name

Names with meaning are especially beautiful. They sound good and reveal a lot more than just the name. In order for your cat to like the name, however, you should consider the following:

  • Name about 2 to 3 syllables long
  • Ending ideally in a vowel, ideally - i
  • easy to call
  • regardless of age
little cat with a striped tail
Choose an age-independent name.

tip: The more pleasant the name sounds to your cat, the better it will react to it.

Cat names with character meanings

Animals are often used according to their appearance or their

named special properties. Some names reveal the nature of the domestic animal only through their meaning. Many cat names also reflect the character or the external appearance of the animal in their meaning:

Female cat names from A - J

  • Akira (radiant; bright)
  • Alba (white; bright)
  • Alice (from the noble being)
  • Allegra (the happy one)
  • Amina (faithful)
  • Arisu (noble kind)
  • Aurelia (the golden one)
  • Beauty
  • Bianca (the white one)
  • Bonnie (pretty)
  • Caja (pure)
  • Calandria (loafers)
  • Calida (warm hearted)
  • Calma (calm)
  • Cassy (the brave one; The brave; the vigilant)
  • Cleo (the famous one; The Sunshine)
  • Cosima (the modest; the orderly one)
  • Curley
  • Duffy (black; dark)
  • Easy (easy; simple)
  • Elin (the radiant one)
  • Fanny (the free one)
  • Fina (the fine one; God adds)
  • Fluffy (fluffy)
  • Frida (the peaceful one; the kingdom of peace)
  • Goldie (golden)
  • Gwenny (white; white circle)
  • Happy
  • Holly (the lucky one; the free)
  • Iffy (unsure; undecided)
  • Jolie (pretty; Nice)
bright cat whose cat name is meaningful to reflect its appearance
Such a beautiful cat really deserves the name "Jolie".

Cat names with meanings from K - Z

  • Kaisa (in)
  • Kali (the black one; black goddess)
  • Kasa (dressed in fur)
  • Katida (feline)
  • Katinka (pure; clean)
  • Kessy (the vain; the vigilant)
  • Klea (the glorious)
  • Lady
  • Laila (the way; Night; dark beauty)
  • Leila (dark-haired)
  • Lilo (lost; transform)
  • Lucy (the one who brings light; the shiny)
  • Maya (the higher; golden curl; Flow)
  • Mika (wonderful scent)
  • Minnie (the determined; determined protector)
  • Minou (little kitten)
  • Naila (who reaches her goal; the successful one)
  • Naira (big eyes)
  • Nanni (the gifted one; the graceful)
  • Naomi (the beautiful one; the honest one)
  • Nelly (the radiant one; God in light)
  • Noemi (the lovely one; Honesty)
  • Nubia (gold)
  • Olly (the peaceful one; Olive tree; Olive)
  • Oxana (the hospitable one)
  • Patty (the noblewoman; the distinguished; Princess)
  • Phibia (the radiant one; the shiny one; the pure)
  • Pippa (horse lover)
  • Pretty
  • Quana (the fragrant one)
  • Roxy (radiant; glittering; Dawn)
  • Ruby (red; Ruby)
  • Runa (the magical one; the mysterious; hidden knowledge)
  • Shanta (calm)
  • Sheila (blind)
  • Sunny
  • Tara (the compassionate one; the strenght; Force)
  • Tami (date; Life; the dark; proud beauty)
  • Tapsy (from "taps"; walk carefully)
  • Tinka (the pure)
  • Toffee (toffee-colored; Cream candy)
  • Trixi (the blissful; the traveller)
  • Twinkle
  • Uma (the gracious; the gracious)
  • Wanda (Vandalin)
  • Xara (the beautiful)
  • Xenia (the hospitable one; the stranger)
  • Zamira (beautiful voice)
  • Zuri (the beautiful one; the beauty)
orange cat
“Zamira” has a really nice voice.

Cat names with nice meanings

There are of course other beautiful cat names that have meaning. These are especially noticeable because theirs Meaning very beautiful is:

Cat names with nice meanings from A - K

  • Aika (love song)
  • Aiko (child of love)
  • Alal (dreams)
  • Alia (protector)
  • Aliza (luck)
  • Amica (girlfriend)
  • Amira (princess)
  • Amy (girlfriend)
  • Annukka (grace)
  • Aolani (heavenly cloud)
  • Areta (virtue)
  • Arima (soul)
  • Audrey (noble; Force)
  • Aurora (dawn)
  • Aylen (luck)
  • Ayumi (she goes her own way)
  • Bambou (bamboo)
  • Basima (a smile)
  • Benja (the blessed)
  • Beniko (the red child)
  • Betsy (God is Abundance)
  • Betty (God is perfect)
  • Blossom
  • Cara (expensive; precious)
  • Celia (heaven)
  • Cherry
  • Cioccolata (chocolate)
  • Daisy
  • Destiny
  • Diva (goddess)
  • Dodi (my beloved; my girlfriend)
  • Edda (blessing)
  • Elani (light; the shining one)
  • Enya (water of life; Seed core; little fire)
  • Evi (the one who gives life)
  • Faya (fate; Fate fairy)
  • Fiera (pride)
  • Filiz (offspring; Bud)
  • Fiore (flower)
  • Gabby (Lady of God)
  • Hana (flower)
  • Hina (grace)
  • Honey
  • Illy (my daughter)
  • Indra (beauty; Shine)
  • Isa (rainbow)
  • Ivy
  • Jala (the unique one)
  • Josie (God adds)
  • Joy
  • Juma (born on Friday; born on sunday)
  • Kaida (little dragon)
  • Katsu (victory; Winner)
  • Kiku (chrysanthemum)
  • Kiri (fog)
  • Koko (night)
Longhair cat has a cat name with meaning
"Kaida" doesn't look like it, but it can be a real little dragon.

tip: Some cat names with nice meanings are perfect to describe the essence of a four-legged friend. Sometimes these names even describe a cat's character better than the classic names to describe the character.

Beautiful cat names from L - Z

  • Lani (heaven)
  • Lilly (lily)
  • Luba (love)
  • Luna (moon)
  • Maiko (dancing child)
  • Malea (flower)
  • Melody
  • Mimi (princess)
  • Mirela (admiring)
  • Nala (lioness; Queen; Gift)
  • Nami (wave)
  • Nura (light)
  • Nuri (bright; enlightened; my light)
  • Oda (who protects property; Owner; Heiress; Wealth)
  • Oki (in the middle of the ocean)
  • Orli (I have light; a light for me)
  • Oona (the only one; Lamb Of God))
  • Paloma (pigeon)
  • Pixi (fairy)
  • Queenie (queen)
  • Quilla (goddess of the moon)
  • Raina (queen)
  • Raja (hope; Paradise)
  • Ranja (mood before the sun rises; the one that is worth a look)
  • Reiki (spiritual life energy)
  • Reni (reborn)
  • Sari (ruler; Princess)
  • Shani (miracle)
  • Stella (star)
  • Sol (sun)
  • Sora (heaven)
  • Suki (like; loved; Lover)
  • Syra (acid; Star; Fate)
  • Tabby (deer; Gazelle)
  • Takara (sweetheart)
  • Tiffy (Appearance of God)
  • Tilly (mighty fighter)
  • Torah (tiger)
  • Una (the only one)
  • Ursi (little bear)
  • Valora (valuable)
  • Varda (rose)
  • Vivi (alive)
  • Wally (strong ruler)
  • Vanya (God is gracious)
  • Wilma (determined protector)
  • Xana (the men defending)
  • Yakira (precious; valuable)
  • Yala (night)
  • Yoko (child of the sun)
  • Yuma (honesty; Happiness)
  • Yuki (luck; Courage; Snow flower; Snow princess)
  • Zera (gold piece)
  • Zola (love)
  • Zora (dawn)
female tabby cat
Wouldn't "Ranja" be a nice name for this cat?

Note: Some names are used in different languages. Depending on the language, they also have a different meaning. Just to be sure, look up all the meanings of the name again.

frequently asked Questions

What are the most popular female cat names?

The most popular are the long-running favorites Bella, Lilly, Lucy, Luna, Maja, Mia, Mimi, Minka, Molly and Nala.

Can cats hear their names?

Partially. Cats can learn to distinguish their name from other human sounds. Even so, they don't always respond to their name.

Can I change my cats' names again?

In principle, yes. However, you shouldn't make changes too frequently, as this will never get your cat used to a name. It is then more difficult for her to react to the name.