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Snakes in the Garden - Title

Encounters with a snake are rare - even more so in your own garden. This is precisely why you should know how to react correctly ...

climbing vegetable balcony - title

Would you like to grow your own vegetables? You don't have your own garden, just a balcony? Indicate your wish ...

Mice at the bird house

Birds benefit from full feeding places in winter, but other animals are also beneficiaries who benefit from the ejected feed. ...

yellow slime mold - title

A yellow slime mold is not a lawn disease, because the fungus can appear anywhere, but its smell and consistency make it unpleasant. ...

Moss and clover in the lawn - title

Whether lime helps against moss and clover in the lawn depends on the cause. The advantages and disadvantages ...

Edge of the lawn under the fence - title

Whether a lawn edge under the fence makes sense depends on various factors. Anyone who has an exact separation between the two ...

Clay soil more permeable - title

Clay soil brings with it some problems. In order to make it more permeable for lawns, loosening is ...

Hose connection rain barrel - title

The water supply in the garden is crucial for beautiful plants and a good harvest yield. Rainwater reduces costs. Experienced ...

Growth fig tree

The fig (Ficus carica) is a specialty among the exotic species. It is decorative and also offers delicious fruit. ...

Pickled lettuce shoots - title

Fresh lettuce from your own garden is always a pleasure. However, if he shot early and blooms ...

Lawn Edging Alternatives - Title

So that the lawn has a clean finish, it is often bordered with a lawn edge made of kerbstones. However, this is ...

Holes in leaves - titles

Pests such as snails, leaf bugs or fleas make life difficult for the gardener. Today everything is still in ...

Dead Mouse Smell - Title

It is common for mice to perish in human dwellings. Then there is a bad smell like ...

Turf on old lawn - tracks

The centerpiece of many gardens is a beautiful lawn - even after years. Is the old lawn over ...

Propagate wine

Wine is usually very easy to care for, so you can easily propagate it using cuttings. When choosing the varieties ...

Ants eat lettuce - title

Home gardeners who are close to nature do not have to stand idly by when ants cheekily attack vegetables. Worrying about effective home remedies ...

Watering Rain Bird - Title

Rain Bird is an irrigation system from the US company of the same name for professional or private use. The ...

Basil black dots - title

Basil is one of the most popular culinary herbs and is not only used for consumption, but also as a defense against ...

Lawn Problems - Title

Lawn must be cared for extensively, otherwise numerous problems can arise that make it less attractive or even sick. 5 Damage patterns ...

Potting soil for vegetables - title

The choice of potting soil is large. Different types are even available in the supermarket. Is for growing ...

Growth of a black locust track

Locust trees are commonly known as avenue trees or from parks. However, they are increasingly finding their way into domestic gardens. ...

overhydrated aloe vera

If you have over-watered your aloe vera and the plant is now rotting, you must take appropriate measures and aids ...

Thyme Cuttings - Title

The popular herb thyme can be easily propagated using cuttings. Which shoots are suitable for this and how ...

Weed control under gravel - title

Who areas resp. Paths designed with gravel and crushed stone often use a weed fleece as a separating layer. Not at all ...

Set fence post - title

Putting fence posts without concrete and foundation is easy with a suitable alternative. With the right guidance, you will be able to ...

Fighting Fly Nest - Title

Flies are a nuisance. In order to get rid of the pests permanently, you should tackle the problem at the root. Drive out ...

Hemp palm growth - title

We also like to plant the hardy Chinese hemp palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) in our gardens. How fast a hemp palm would ...

Standing birds - title

Before the cold season begins, cranes, storks, swifts, house martins and Co. migrate to the warm south. Other bird species ...

Blowfly Eggs - Title

In Germany there are about 45 species of the Calliphoridae. Blowflies lay their eggs in our gardens, among other places. ...

Nachtsinger - title

There are only a few species of birds that can be heard at night. These include some songbirds, but most of all ...

Leaf Shapes - Title

So that leafy plants can be better identified, their leaf shapes are divided into different categories. In addition to the shape, there is ...

yellow mushrooms flower pot - title

If yellow mushrooms grow in the flower pot, it is usually the so-called yellow fold umbrella (Leucocoprinus birnbaumii). But where ...

March flies - title

If black flies with hanging legs appear in the garden in spring, many hobby gardeners worry about ...

Mosquito larvae in the pool - tracks

If mosquito larvae frolic in the pool, it is a very disgusting affair for most users. Therefore ...

Raspberries in the pot - title

If you want to harvest delicious raspberries, you only need a balcony or terrace - the bushes can be ...

Bird breeding season - title

If birds breed in your own garden, the conditions for nest building are ideal and feed in a ...

Fighting biting flies - title

The biting fly can hardly be distinguished from the common housefly. Your sting is not all downright painful, however. ...

Blowing up the lawn - title

Anyone who values ​​a vital, lush green lawn must pay attention to optimal irrigation. You can ...

Raised bed on stilts - title

Raised beds are usually always in contact with the ground. If no soil is available, the question arises, ...

Main shoot canceled - title

One or two cucumber plants ensure the supply of lettuce or pickled cucumbers over the summer. But what if the main drive ...

bald roses - title

Bald roses are not a pretty sight. The number of flowers decreases steadily as the shoots grow ...

Gold Flies - Title

The melodious name of the gold fly is deceptive. The shiny insect is one of the blowflies. It is a ...

Repair Lawn Mower Drive - Title

The lawn mower is considered to be the Germans' favorite garden tool. When the engine fails, however, good advice is often expensive. ...

Wasp nest in the roof - title

If you discover the beginning of a wasp's nest in the roof or if the animals are more and more in one place, you should ...

Uneven lawn - title

A healthy, large lawn is the dream of many amateur gardeners. But in reality this often sees ...

Flies - title

When spring arrives, it doesn't take long for the flies to spread in your room too. ...

Mixed culture cucumbers - title

The cucumber is a popular plant from the cucurbit family. In addition to the ideal location conditions for ...

Kohlrabi leaves eaten - title

Growing your own vegetables is more popular than ever. Tasty kohlrabi belongs in every vegetable ...

IBC container pump - title

If you no longer want to draw rainwater from your IBC container yourself, you have to consider using a pump ...

Flies bite - title

Flies are uncomfortable. They disturb the peace with their hum, crawl over their skin and help themselves to food. ...

wild rhubarb - title

The wild rhubarb is the common butterbur (Petasites hybridus) from the sunflower family. Before ...

Aphids on cucumbers - titles

The aphids on cucumber plants are not a visual disturbance, but also endanger your cucumber harvest. We explain, ...

Sugar as fertilizer - title

There is sugar in almost every household. It is not only used for sweetening, it also gives energy. ...

Yeast as a fertilizer

Our grandmothers already knew the benefits of yeast. Not only for baking or for our well-being, ...

Sleeping Wasps - Title

Wasps perform important tasks in nature, but at breakfast on the balcony or while eating ice cream ...

Relocate anthill - title

Ants are not welcome everywhere. Therefore, here you will find out which measures you can use to move an anthill gently ...

Capuchin yellow leaves - title

Single yellow leaves on the nasturtium are normal. If more and more leaves change color, this is an alarm signal ...

Tobacco brew against aphids - title

Fortunately, aphids can often be treated with simple, organic home remedies. For example, a tobacco stock has become a ...

Drying lovage - title

The colloquial Maggi herb and convinces with a fine-spicy taste note. Lovage dries well and retains ...

Potato Blossom - Title

The underground potato root tubers (Solanum tuberosum) are a particularly valuable staple food that is on the menu almost every day. ...

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