Miriam, author on Plantopedia

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Chase away rabbits

Rabbit or Wild rabbits are invading our gardens with increasing frequency and are quickly becoming a nuisance there. You again ...

bee-friendly hardy plants

Bee-friendly plants support the hard-working insects as a source of food in the garden. 75 hardy species are presented in this article.

Fruit trees for every garden

Freshly picked fruit from your own garden tastes particularly good. So that you and your family have the ...

Comfrey location

Comfrey seeks its own place in the great outdoors. When settling in the garden, it is our job to ...

Bushes bloom

Bushes with blossoms enchant with their color, the scent and the visitors like bees and butterflies. Numerous species ...

Astilben location

Astilbes, also known as splendid sparrows, are perfect for partially shaded or even shady spots in the garden. Those from the damp ...

Planting time of 19 perennials

Perennials form the basis of the garden. They are suitable for gardeners, are hardy, easy to care for and bloom. We ...

evergreen shade plants

When it comes to greening the garden or balcony, various aspects must be taken into account. That applies ...

Lupine location

Lupinus polyphyllus, as the garden lupine is scientifically correct, is striking because of its brightly colored, large flower candles. ...

Berry bushes

Berry bushes are not only found in the home garden. There are also many wild shrubs that bear berry fruits. ...

Wild bushes

Wild shrubs are an important design element for natural gardens. Different types and their needs are presented here. She ...

Fire bugs

In spring they sit in flocks again in the sunny spots in the garden and on paths and stones that ...

Planting time of 43 ground cover

Ground cover is an indispensable element for an intact and functional garden. There are types for different areas ...

Recognize native toadstool

If you want to collect mushrooms yourself, you should be very familiar with it. This is especially true for detecting poisonous mushrooms. ...

Remove clover in the lawn

Clover is considered a nutritious and easy-to-grow forage crop. On the other hand, we don't want it on the lawn at home. Because he ...

Lamellar mushrooms

Lamellar mushrooms are also known as agaric mushrooms because the underside of their hats are covered by lamellar structures. These species belong to ...

House plants large leaves

Most houseplants that develop showy leaves come from the arum family. Besides these tropical species ...

Recognize chanterelles

Collecting and recognizing chanterelles has to be learned. Insidious doppelgangers punish a mistake with bad stomach complaints. For security ...

Planting time for vegetables

The year of planting vegetables extends from February to August. In regions with harsh weather conditions, you should consider the planting times ...

Diseases houseplants

Like all living things, indoor plants also get sick. These 18 diseases are common. Their causes are diverse and range ...

Fertilize lawn summer

Fertilizing in summer is very important for the lawn to keep it green and healthy, also ...

Repot plants

In order for indoor plants to stay healthy and grow for a long time, you need to repot them from time to time. How you can do this on ...

Fertilize indoor plants

Beautiful and healthy houseplants will delight every hobby gardener. Fresh green in the living room is good for the soul and has ...

Luring birds into the garden

Birds are popular visitors to the garden. They delight with their singing and are a good protection against numerous ...

Lawn care in spring

Brown spots, bald spots, possibly fungal attack, dull green. After the cold season, the lawn is often not pretty.

Mold on Seramis

Seramis is often used as a clay granulate for plants such as orchids, whose substrate must be well ventilated. Rarely comes ...

Speed ​​up lawn germination

In the meantime, it is good form that an area of ​​lawn is laid out in every garden in this country. Included ...

Mosquitoes and flies in the compost

A compost heap in the traditional sense or composter belongs in every garden. Unfortunately, these are sometimes crowded with ...

Lemon Tree Diseases

Lemon trees are often kept in pots and Mediterranean gardens because of their appearance and the fruits. Next to ...

Bee forage plants

Bee forage plants are among the most important crops for wild bees, honey bees and bumblebees. They provide the insects with enough ...

Parsley dies

Occasionally, freshly sown parsley does not grow optimally or even dies. This can have different causes ...

Prefer green beans and runner beans

There are higher chances of successful self-cultivation of French and runner beans by growing them in pots. Everything worth knowing including ...

Mole or vole in the garden

Are there heaps of earth in your garden? Then you should first clarify who is the culprit here. Because in ...

Fig tree fruits unripe

The fig tree (Ficus carica) is one of the oldest cultivated plants. In this country, too, they are increasingly being grown in gardens. ...

Climbing hydrangeas in the bucket

The climbing hydrangeas, which originally come from Asia, also cut a good figure in this country. They are suitable for planting outdoors, ...

robust houseplants

Houseplants make an apartment cozy in the first place, and they also contribute significantly to healthy indoor air. Well not everyone has ...

Linden bugs

If a group of small, beetle-like creatures quickly form on the mallow family, it is probably ...

Dwarf palms hardy

The dwarf palms are one of only two palm species native to Europe. They are therefore better suited to our climatic conditions ...

Blackberry Diseases

From August the blackberry bushes full of black, juicy fruits hang along the roadsides and in numerous gardens.

Fig tree does not bloom

A fig tree of your own is a special feature in the garden. The first bloom is eagerly awaited. Disappointing ...

Cut lamp cleaning grass

Pennisetum enchants gardeners for a long time with its decorative ears. In order for the plant to grow lush, ...

old and new blackberry varieties

For a long time, blackberries were not particularly popular, as the bushes grew extensively and, thanks to the ...

Fertilize hostas

The hostas from Asia are very long-lived, hardy and thrive in shady to partially shaded places. For ...

To multiply hostas

The Funkia is one of the most popular shade plants that is grown in the garden or in the tub. If you have the plant ...

Parsley hardy

Parsley is an important part of European cuisine and has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. ...

Cut sun hat

When and how to cut a coneflower is an essential knowledge while cultivating the perennials. After pruning ...

Pests on house plants

The most common causes of pests on indoor plants are care errors or an unfavorable location. Are the growing conditions wrong ...

easy-care houseplants

At this point we present 12 easy-care and robust houseplants that will also turn your apartment into a green oasis ...

The coneflower is a popular plant genus in your own garden due to its decorative flowers. Sowing the perennials is suitable ...

Mushroom season, mushroom picking

Various edible mushrooms grow in the wild. Our mushroom calendar gives you an overview of the most common varieties and ...

Sun hat hardy

With their numerous flowers and color variants, sun hats are one of the popular perennials in the garden, which every ...

Harvest ornamental quinces

Ornamental quinces (Chaenomeles) are usually only grown because of their attractive flowers. Many gardeners do not even know that the ...

Funkien location

Hostas have a certain claim to their location. If hobby gardeners do not do justice to these, this will in the worst case ...

Planting time in the raised bed

A raised bed is particularly suitable for growing vegetables, as it not only enables comfortable work. The f ...

Propagate the coneflower

Due to its decorative effect, the coneflower is one of the most popular magnificent perennials in home gardens. There are 4 methods ...

Pruning apple tree

The cultivated apple (Malus domestica) forms its leaves mainly on the annual shoots. These ensure that the ...

Propagate climbing hydrangeas

The climbing hydrangea (botanical: Hydrangea petiolaris) is one of the most blooming plants and adorns boring walls, pergolas or privacy screens. Because ...

colorful varieties of carrots

The varieties grown today are derived from the wild carrot Daucus carota. The cultivated form carries the scientific ...

Propagate bow hemp

Bow hemp (Sansevieria), also known colloquially as mother-in-law's tongue, is one of the most popular indoor plants. The attractive plant with the broad, characteristic ...

Control white aphids

Every gardener and plant lover knows them - and everyone fears them: aphids. Among the many species of aphids, there are ...

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