Special: potatoes, potato advice

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All people, big and small, do not live on bread alone, potatoes also have to be, because they always taste fine that one or the other (praise) song was written on the great tuber, amazed not.
The inconspicuous vegetables are healthy, tasty, versatile to prepare, in short: our menu cannot be imagined without them.
The potato, like peppers and tomatoes, belongs to the nightshade family and has their origins in South America in common. The Spanish conquerors of the 16th Century took a liking to the bulbous plant and brought it to Europe. Here, however, the quite attractive exotic plant was initially thought to be an ornamental plant. But until the 17th In the 18th century, people in several European countries learned to appreciate the filling and tasty properties of the high-yielding tuber. In Germany, however, people found the novelty extremely difficult. With force and cunning, Frederick the Great finally succeeded in enforcing the extension in Prussia. So the potato appeared at the end of the 18th century. Century. Also in Germany their triumphal march. As a result, it was given various regional names such as Erdapfel, Grundbirne, Härdeapfel or Krummbeere.

A large number of varieties are on the market today. New potatoes can be harvested from the beginning of July when the herb is still green. Late potatoes are ready for harvest from September, when the cabbage has died and the peel can no longer be rubbed off with a finger. In dry weather, the tubers are carefully dug up, shaken off the plant and left to dry before storing. Incidentally, you can also grow potatoes without a garden: Build a box with boards or logs, use good garden soil mixed with compost for approx. Pour in 20 centimeters high, use seed potatoes from April. If the herb is 20 centimeters high, you put more boards around the box and fill it with soil. This way more tubers will form. Repeat piling up to a height of 50 centimeters.

Planting potatoes: distance and depth

The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a staple food that can be prepared in a variety of ways. The tubers are indispensable in many dishes and are tastiest when picked yourself. What could be more obvious than growing them yourself. You can do that without your own garden.

Create a potato tower - instructions for building it yourself

Growing potatoesIf you don't have a lot of space, you can still pile up. This approach pays off not only for new buildings in large cities, but also in small gardens and on balconies. Small landowners who do not want to do without their own potatoes can simply build a potato tower. Below are instructions for building it yourself.

Mixed culture: 14 good neighbors of potatoes

German cuisine would be unthinkable without potatoes. Have you ever considered growing the delicious tubers in your own garden? Use the advantages of a mixed culture! We present 14 plants that are suitable for mixed cultivation with potatoes.

Laying potatoes: ideal distance and depth

Potatoes are good for the vegetable garden, as they optimally prepare the soil for subsequent vegetables. They can also be stored for a long time and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Read here which distance is the right one when placing potatoes.

Potato varieties in Germany - list of varieties

Around 300 million tons of potatoes are harvested worldwide every year. This makes the potato, which belongs to the nightshade family, one of the most important staple foods. Even with us, the edible tuber has become an indispensable part of our menu. Not only is it versatile and easy to use, it also has a good taste.

Storing and cellaring potatoes | 10 tips for storing potatoes

The potato is one of the most traditional types of vegetables in this country and its culinary variety is hard to beat. If you grow them yourself in your own garden, you can benefit from a huge variety of varieties and, if stored appropriately, feed on them for a long time.

Potato diseases: fight potato rot and potato scab

You will only find a few types of potatoes in the supermarket, but the variety is huge. For this reason, too, many gardeners grow their favorite varieties in their own gardens. However, potato diseases such as potato rot or potato scab threaten the harvest - these preventive measures help against it.

Blue potatoes - growing, harvesting and using

If you have the space for a potato field, it is always worth growing the particularly tasty blue potato yourself. Even if the preparation of the field requires some physical effort, you will be able to look forward to the harvest yield throughout the winter.

Grow and harvest sweet potatoes in the balcony box

It is one of the most important foods in the world and has a charming flower. The sweet potato conquers the hearts of hobby gardeners in the local regions by storm. It is good to know that you do not need your own garden for cultivation. You can find out how to grow and harvest sweet potatoes in the balcony box here.

Red potatoes - varieties and information on cultivation

They cause a sensation both in the bed and on the plate. Red potatoes are a feast for the eyes and a treat at the same time. This also applies to varieties with a red skin and yellow pulp and to varieties that are completely red in color. Get to know the best varieties here, including in-depth information on cultivation.

Seed potatoes: old varieties + instructions for planting and growing yourself

Seed potatoes often end up in the beds of many hobby gardeners, because cultivation is easy and involves comparatively little effort. However, they also offer little variety. A look at old varieties - also from other countries - can help here.

Potato fertilizer: how to properly fertilize potato plants

The successful cultivation of potatoes is closely linked to a balanced supply of nutrients. Only when you have found the ideal potato fertilizer at the optimal time and in the right dosage can you achieve a rich harvest of the best quality. These instructions explain how you can master this demanding aspect with flying colors. How to properly fertilize potato plants.

Are Potatoes Healthy? All information about calories, carbohydrates & Co

It feels as familiar as a visit to your favorite grandmother when a steaming pot of spicy boiled potatoes invites you to enjoy lunch. The reputation of the healthy tuber has suffered greatly in recent years - mainly due to the high carbohydrate content. But how healthy is the potato really?

Potato pests - overview of pests / vermin on potatoes

In addition to other useful plants, potatoes now also belong in the garden of the hobby gardener. While some grow potatoes to make sure that they are really organic, others grow the delicious tubers to be able to eat special varieties. Even if the motives for growing potatoes in the home garden are different, a pest infestation can drastically reduce or destroy the well-deserved harvest.

Sweet potato plants in winter: how to overwinter cuttings

The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) originally comes from Central and South America and is therefore used to tropical climates. In local regions, the white potato is usually cultivated as an annual plant because it is very sensitive to the cold and not hardy. Nevertheless, the cuttings of the bindweed plant can be overwintered and even propagated in the winter months.

Potato harvest - when is the best time?

Every hobby gardener who has already enjoyed butter-tender new potatoes with spicy parsley knows: Growing the healthy tuber yourself is definitely worth it. In terms of taste, the potatoes from the self-sufficient garden are clearly superior to the vegetables you buy. But in order to be able to conjure up a tasty dish from the popular starch vegetable, the potatoes have to be harvested at the right time.

Potatoes: Are Green Spots Dangerous? Peel or throw away?

The potato is one of the most popular foods among Germans. 56.8 kilograms of potatoes per capita were consumed in Germany in 2015/16. When it comes to freshly prepared potatoes, the Germans still prefer the classic boiled potato, according to the statistics. There are innumerable varieties of potatoes, and you can find more and more brown and purple potatoes in supermarkets. But what about potatoes that have green spots?

Harvest and store potatoes properly - in the refrigerator, apartment & cellar

Important criteria for harvesting and storage must be observed so that delicious home-grown potatoes are on the table from summer to next spring. These instructions explain in a practical way when and how to harvest potatoes correctly and store them perfectly. The advantages and disadvantages of the refrigerator, apartment and cellar as storage space are examined in detail.