Animals in the garden archives

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native species of ants

Whether in the forest, in the meadow or in the garden: it crawls everywhere in summer and the ants move their ...

shiny beetle - title

Nature lovers enjoy the colorful butterflies, busy bees and fat bumblebees in the garden. If you look closely, you will discover a few green ...

Bees in the shutter box - title

Although bees are popular and useful, they keep settling where we don't want them ...

Chase away rabbits

Rabbit or Wild rabbits are invading our gardens with increasing frequency and are quickly becoming a nuisance there. You again ...

Flying ants

At sexual maturity, ants grow wings. They are not dangerous on a wedding flight, but they can lead to ...

Ants in the flower pot - title

If you are struggling with ants in the flower pot, several methods are available to you. It is based on ...

Pets bury title

It's always difficult when your beloved pet goes forever after many years together. There remains sadness, pain ...

Inventory book title

Whether mites, bacteria or viruses, bees suffer from a wide variety of diseases. For the most promising treatment possible, an inventory book offers ...

what do ducks eat

If you keep ducks, you don't have to worry too much about the food for the animals. They eat ...

Dog poop in the garden - repellent

Dog poop in the garden isn't just a gross affair. Dogs can transmit worms and if not their own ...

Fodder for sheep

Sheep are enjoying increasing popularity as pets, be it as “living lawnmowers” ​​or for self-sufficiency with meat or wool. ...

what to do against flying ants title

Even if winged ants can be very annoying, they are not pests, on the contrary. Particularly ...

Chicken breeds

Keeping different breeds of chickens in your own garden is very much in vogue. No wonder: you not only get ...

Fox droppings in the garden

Animal droppings in the garden are not only unsightly, they can also harbor certain dangers, such as the fox tapeworm. Therefore ...

Dog urine destroys lawns

Dog urine can quickly cause unsightly stains if it is constantly exposed to the same areas of lawn. This is particularly quick with ...

Cat droppings recognize titles

Knowing how to identify excrement as cat excrement by its appearance is an unsavory challenge. However, this guide provides well-founded assistance with ...

Cat feces in the garden

Cat poop in the home garden is a smelly nuisance. What you can do about the legacy of your four-legged friends and what ...

Luring birds into the garden

Birds are popular visitors to the garden. They delight with their singing and are a good protection against numerous ...

Mosquitoes and flies in the compost

A compost heap in the traditional sense or composter belongs in every garden. Unfortunately, these are sometimes crowded with ...

Mole or vole in the garden

Are there heaps of earth in your garden? Then you should first clarify who is the culprit here. Because in ...

Stock card for bees

The successful keeping of bee colonies is one of the most beautiful things a home garden can offer. Beginning ...

White grubs in the compost

White grubs are not only found on plants in the home garden, but also like to be found in compost. Many hobby gardeners ask themselves ...

Identify grubs

Occasionally, when we dig in the garden, grubs appear. The worm-like animals are larvae ...

Whether you are a survivor, a hobby cook keen to experiment or if you are interested in new, ecologically acceptable sources of food - reasons for consuming insects, ...

Angle spider

Angle spiders are very common where people live. This is especially true for the species Tegenaria ...

Cockroaches bite

Some just find them gross. Others are directly afraid of cockroaches because the little crawlers might bite ...

Species of beetles

There are over 350,000 species of beetle worldwide, some of which differ greatly in their appearance and way of life. Also in ...

Who does not know them, the colorful messengers of summer. They prance on the colorful summer meadow from blossom to ...

Green spiders

Green spiders that are native to Germany are rather rare. In fact, there are only three types that ...

It is one of the largest spiders in Germany, the garden spider (Araneus). The big, strong and hairy animal can ...

Feed the hedgehog

Many wild animals have found a new habitat in human settlement areas, including the hedgehog. The prickly mammals are scary ...

to feed squirrels

Squirrels are wild animals that find their own food. In summer, nature is a well-filled ...

The zebra jumping spider (Salticus scenicus) is one of the smallest of its kind. Due to its size, it can sometimes ...

Feeding ladybugs

Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) occur worldwide with around 6,000 species. Not all species have red winglets with black spots. Alone ...

Are Harvesters Poisonous?

Who does not know the small and very long-legged spider. She is in the garden, dark cellars, garages and sometimes ...

Spiders in winter

During the warmer months of the year, the little crawling animals run into your path all the time. Now they have their habits ...

Squirrel enemies

They are quite funny to look at, the cute little fellows with their bushy tails and brush ears when they go from branch to ...

Attract squirrels

Squirrels are becoming more and more trusting. The cute rodents with the bushy tail are far from being in home gardens ...

Even if dormice are cute rodents, they can quickly become a real nuisance in the house. ...

Peanuts as bird seed

Due to their high fat content, nuts are ideal winter food. This applies primarily to native nut species, but ...

Plants for the bee-friendly balcony

Did you know you don't need a garden to be a habitat for bees and other beneficial insects? Even ...


For some people, toads (Bufonidae) are just gross, others are impressed and fascinated by these amphibians. ...

Wood lice in the house and flower pot

Although woodlice are not insects, they share many behaviors with them. This also means that cellar lobsters ...

Vinegar against ants

When it gets warm again outside, not only are people happy, but also ants are more common ...

Are ear peasants dangerous?

The little brown beetles have been of interest to mankind for centuries. Ear pince-nez (Dermaptera) see with their little pincers ...

Create a bee-friendly garden

A bee-friendly garden offers experiences for all the senses. Bees are delighted by bright colors and sweet smells ...

Sometimes ants appear out of nowhere. They wander across the garden or even get into our home. ...

Catch dormouse

When a dormouse moves into the house, it can be the start of a nerve-wracking period. Most of the time the animal nests ...

Blowflies in the apartment

Blowflies prefer to lay their eggs in carcasses or in rotten foods. Do you suddenly step ...

When do toads and frogs spawn?

Frogs and toads are among the farm animals in the open countryside and in the home garden. For the ...

Ear pince-nez, Dermaptera

For many people, ear pimples in the apartment are a real horror idea. However, the animals do not give panic ...

Dormouse in the gutter

When dormice have settled in the roof, that's more than annoying. Because those in the technical language as Glis ...

Small flies in the apartment

Who does not know that - you put mosquito nets on the windows and finally have all the annoying pests out of your apartment ...

A stroll is a fantastic opportunity to see numerous gardens in different styles and to take inspiration home with you ...

Vole or rat?

Neither a vole nor a rat are welcome guests in our gardens. No wonder: Both can ...

Good and bad grubs

If you discover grubs in your garden while digging up, you don't have to panic right away. Not all of these larvae are real ...

Millipede in the potting soil

Millipedes and centipedes in the potting soil in the flower pot are not particularly beautiful for most people ...

Are millipedes poisonous?

Horror reports of poisonous millipedes and centipedes appear in the media with great regularity. We will be happy to ...

Build fly traps yourself

As soon as you open the window in summer to let some air into the heated apartment, they flow in - ...

For many, it's a downright horror idea: centipedes or millipedes in the apartment. Even if in this country ...