Mirko, author on Plantopedia

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Leaf fall disease on currants

How do I recognize leaf fall disease and how is it combated? Is it dangerous? This article tells you ...

Bushes with red flowers - collage

Flowering shrubs are companions throughout the garden year. The color palette is widely spread. Of course, red ...

Dragon tree species - Dracaena fragrans

With their glossy, green, striped, dotted or red-edged leaves, dragon trees are among the most popular ...

Pool on the slope

A pool helps to cool off and enriches every garden. However, setting up becomes a challenge when the underground is ...

Best location for basil - sun or shade

Basil is one of the most popular herbs. It is impossible to imagine Mediterranean cuisine without it. That ...

Baby mole found

Moles are not always welcome because they spoil the lawn with their mounds of earth. That being said, they are ...

Can ticks jump - warning sign of ticks in the forest

The tick is one of the most unpopular crawling animals, as it can transmit serious diseases to humans and animals. Indeed ...

Prick asparagus yourself - instructions

Asparagus is one of the most popular vegetables in Germany. The preparation of the sticks is easy and takes little time. That ...

Soil improvement - shovel in garden soil

Poor quality soil has a negative effect on the vitality of the plants and the possible crop yields. One ...

Pool heated with pool heating

When planning a pool, pool heating is of the utmost importance. You can choose from four different variants, ...

Shrubs with yellow flowers - forsythia

Shrubs with yellow flowers are popular because they bring the sun from the sky into the garden. By a ...

Lay paving stones in sand or gravel

When laying paving stones, the selected material for the bedding layer is essential. A direct comparison between sand and grit ...

Where and how do melons grow

Melons are very popular because they taste sweet, juicy and have very few calories. The cultivation in your own garden can ...

Identify native birds - great tit

There are over 300 different bird species in Germany and many of them have large stable populations. Many of the most common ...

Increase the pH in the pool

Too low a pH value in the pool can reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants or cause eye and skin irritation. With ...

Bushes with purple flowers - butterfly lilac

Shrubs bloom in many colors, one of which is purple. However, purple flowers are rarer than other flowers ...

Piggy bank with pool

Warm summers invite you to make intensive use of your own garden. A pool rounds off the recreational offer. But what costs ...

Black rose meaning

Red roses are a symbol of love and passion. White roses represent purity and innocence. Yellow ...

Cut hollyhocks

Cutting hollyhocks is comparatively easy if the timing is right and the necessary tools are available. Our ...

Edible tree mushrooms - oyster mushrooms

If mushrooms grow on trees, they are rarely noticed by mushroom pickers. Among them are tree fungi, which are edible and ...

Cut the love pearl bush

In autumn the love pearl bush, also called beautiful fruit, develops its decorative lilac-colored stone fruits. So that these are also numerous on ...

Grandpa Langbein - Weberknecht - Wall anchor

Those who don't like spiders don't like harvestmen either. Not least because it seems like these ...

Soda against weeds

The raising agent baking soda can do more than just make cake batter rise. As a cleaning agent, it makes the apartment shine, as a natural remedy ...

Basil - ideal temperatures

One of the most common plants in home kitchens is basil. Growing quickly, it constantly supplies us with fresh ...

Shock chlorination

Bad water quality in the pool cannot always be remedied by simple cleaning measures. In some cases ...

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