Blue grain fertilizer for the lawn

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Blue grain as fertilizer
Blue grain as fertilizer

table of contents

  • Blue grain
  • fitness
  • race
  • fertilizer
  • composition
  • effect
  • Fertilization time
  • Spread fertilizer
  • Blue grain liquid
  • Blue grain is poisonous

Blue corn is probably one of the most popular types of fertilizer for our gardens and the race. The chemical helps the plants with nutrient supply, which promotes growth. However, the use of blue grain is controversial, as it is an industrial fertilizer and therefore has no place in an ecological garden. Especially gardens that children or pets roam should not be fertilized with the nitrate-containing substance. But what is blue grain made of? How is it used for fertilizing the lawn and is it actually toxic? We give the important answers in our article on the topic.

Blue grain

Blue corn as a panacea

Blue grain causes growth and is therefore an important helper for the hobby gardener. Many soils in our region cannot provide the plants with enough nutrients for lush growth. For this reason, fertilizers are used in many places and the plants are supplied directly with nutrients.

Blue grain for the lawn

Every gardener has to decide for himself whether blue grain is necessary, as this depends heavily on the nature of the soil. If there are no problems with the development of flowers and the lush green of the plants, fertilization is actually not necessary. In such a case, the chemical club can be dispensed with in the interests of the environment.

Ideally, a soil sample is taken and sent to a laboratory:

  • Take soil sample in autumn
  • Dig holes in roughly places in the lawn
  • Depth to the roots
  • Take samples, place in buckets and mix
  • Fill 500 g and send it to the laboratory
  • Obtain information on shipping from the Chamber of Agriculture

The laboratory checks the soil for its nutrient content so that the hobby gardener then knows whether or not he has to support it with blue grain.


Particularly suitable for evergreen plants

However, should the garden appear in pale tones and without flowers, blue grain can counteract this. The fertilizer contains minerals and trace elements that are absorbed directly by the plants through the roots. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, blue corn can only be used outdoors.

Use in the house on potted plants is only necessary and possible in exceptional cases, as the high dosage would destroy the sensitive roots of the potted plants. In the garden area, however, the industrial fertilizer works wonders for growth and robustness. Evergreen plants in particular benefit from the nutrients, which is particularly true of the lawn.

Fertilize the lawn

The following plants are evergreens:

  • rhododendron
  • Boxwood
  • laurel
  • yew


Focus on the lawn

Since this article deals in particular with the treatment of the lawn with blue grain, we will take a closer look at the lush green at this point. A lawn is called beautiful in our regions if it shines in a lush green and is free of bare brown spots.

In addition, moss and weeds shouldn't have a chance of disturbing the fine blades of grass as they grow. For all these properties, blue grain is the perfect fertilizer straight from the laboratory. It is inexpensive to produce and the effects set in after just a few days, so that the gardener does not have to wait long for the good results.

Do not influence soil properties

However, care must be taken to ensure that it is used correctly, as if the soil is treated for too long, its properties will completely change. In such a case, fertilizing is more likely to be harmful, as then weeds can thrive perfectly on the nutrient-poor soil.

But over-fertilization would also be problematic with organic fertilizer: You can use organic fertilizer on one square meter of over-fertilized lawn Up to 400 earthworms quickly romp about, which feed perfectly on the plant residues in the fertilizer and then the lawn roots destroy. The motto “less is more” clearly applies to Blaukorn, as we will describe in detail in the section on correct use.

Blue grain as fertilizer


Fertilizer from the laboratory

A distinction is made between mineral and organic fertilizers. The blue grain is clearly a mineral fertilizer, as it is produced in the laboratory and does not contain any vegetable substances. Industrial fertilizer has the advantage that the concentration of nutrients is very high and results can therefore be achieved quickly. On the other hand, the dosage is disadvantageous.

If you fertilize too much, it will damage the lawn rather than help it. Blue grain is produced in the laboratory and has a bluish color, which is where the name came from. Half of it consists of pure nutrients, which underlines the concentrated composition again. The fertilizer can be bought in sacks at a price per kilo.

Blue grain as fertilizer for the lawn

The costs for the product can be staggered as follows:

  • 3 kilograms: EUR 5 to 7
  • 15 kilograms: EUR 20 to 30
  • cheap no-name products for less than 1 EUR per kilogram


The blue grain is also known as NPK fertilizer.

This is due to the ingredients of the fertilizer:

  • Nitrogen (N)
  • Phosphorus (P)
  • Potassium (K)
  • if necessary magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S)

However, the composition of the respective nutrients differs depending on the provider and variant. The standard product comes in the variant 12% nitrogen (as nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen), 12% phosphate and 17% potassium. In addition, 2% magnesium is part of the mixture.

Other combinations are therefore in the ratio 14 + 7 + 17 + 2 or 21 + 5 + 10 + 3 + 6. The latter product has an admixture of 6% sulfur. Depending on the nature of the soil, the hobby gardener should choose one of the variants in order to find the perfect additional fertilizer for the lawn.


Effect of nutrients on the lawn

Hobby gardeners will ask themselves what the three main components nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) actually stand for. Each of these nutrients has its own unique effect on the lawn. Nitrogen, for example, acts as a growth engine and thus makes the grass grow stronger. It is also responsible for a rich green color.

mottled lawn

Nitrogen is the most important substance for appearances and a quick external recovery. The phosphorus, on the other hand, cares about the roots of the lawn. The growth and interweaving of the roots are promoted by the phosphorus and it provides energy for the lawn. Potassium as the third nutrient strengthens the lawn. It makes the blades of grass more resilient and strengthens them against diseases, cold or drought.

Fertilization time

The best time to fertilize

The possible time for fertilization extends over a period from March to October. However, it makes sense to provide the lawn with nutrients, especially in spring.

  • Fertilize the lawn from March to mid-May
  • pay attention to moderate weather
  • do not fertilize in the heat
  • Rain carries nutrients into the soil

If the lawn needs fertilizer in summer or autumn, you should definitely wait for a week with little sunshine, otherwise the lawn would burn. In addition, the evening hours are sensibly chosen during this time and sufficient watering afterwards is important.

Spread fertilizer

We come back to the motto “less is more”. With the strong concentration of blue grain, a healthy dose must be ensured when spreading. Due to the high salt content, it can quickly happen that the soil becomes over-acidic and the roots of the lawn die off. Inexperienced gardeners can use a spreader to ensure that the right dosage is achieved without any problems.

This can be adjusted so that it applies the fertilizer to the lawn at even intervals. The amount depends on the product in question and should be taken from the packaging. It is important that the fertilization is carried out on a dry lawn, which, however, must not be dried out. Then you should pay attention to rain or an alternative irrigation so that the blue grain slowly dissolves and can seep into the soil.

Blue grain liquid

For those who do not have a spreader at hand and do not trust themselves manually fertilizing, the liquid blue grain is recommended. This bottled agent is diluted with water so that it can be used. The mixing ratios can be found in the respective product description. The liquid blue grain has advantages and disadvantages compared to the granulate.


  • better dosage
  • smaller storage space
  • cannot be picked by birds


  • mix before use
  • seeps in very quickly
  • more expensive

Rapid seepage is certainly the biggest problem. It can happen that the important nutrients in the groundwater disappear without the root system of the lawn being able to benefit from them. This is the same reason why the granules should not be applied on wet lawns or in heavy rain. Too much moisture can lead to problems.

Remove thatch

A sensible fertilization can only be carried out if the lawn has been completely freed from thatch. Lawn thatch is a layer of dead blades of grass or old clippings. This layer can be several centimeters high and prevents the fertilizer from seeping into the soil. In addition to the fertilizer, no air and only a little water can penetrate through the felt layer.

It is therefore important that the thatch is removed. This is done by scarifying. This work should be done once a year in March or April. A scarifier cuts the felt out of the ground, but care must be taken not to attack the sward itself. The scarifier can easily be borrowed from hardware stores.

Do something good for the lawn

In addition to fertilizing with blue grain, the hobby gardener can also do his lawn good in other ways. The alternatives are briefly shown here. The simplest form is soaking. Lawn grass consists of 90% water and therefore this is essential for life. Gardeners ensure that there is sufficient moisture around the root system.

To do this, water the lawn regularly in the morning and in the evening in hot and dry phases. Another option is ventilation. Certain devices comb through the blades of grass and thus ensure that they do not get caught in one another. A third option is to remove weeds on a regular basis. Hobby gardeners are doing their lawn a favor by constantly removing weeds as soon as they want to spread.

Fertilize the lawn

Blue grain is poisonous

Danger to humans?

Finally, we have to deal with an aspect that critics of Blaukorn rightly address again and again: Is the fertilizer from the chemical laboratory toxic or not? In short, the blue grain is a chemical club that does not contain any natural substances. It consists of high doses of nutrients that the human body does not need.

  • Nitrate nitrogen causes irritation of the stomach and intestines in the body
  • Vomiting and diarrhea are the consequences
  • Nitrate can be converted into nitrite
  • nitrite means that less oxygen is bound to the red blood cells, which means that the whole body is undersupplied

Ultimately, however, only the amount is decisive. One grain of the granules will by no means cause the symptoms described above. Problems can also arise with small amounts and should be monitored.

Protect children and pets

Since children and pets are much smaller, smaller amounts are dangerous for them. Blue corn should therefore on no account get near these vulnerable people. It should not be used in the garden if there are children and pets there. If these blue grains are consumed, a doctor should be consulted in an emergency.

The problems that can arise from nitrite poisoning should not be underestimated. The environment can also suffer from blue grain, as it makes the soil acidic. It is therefore important to ensure that not too much fertilizer is used. Acidic soil burns plants and destroys vegetation.

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