How does ginger grow? Where is it grown? Information on ginger cultivation

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Ginger growth

table of contents

  • Ginger plant
  • growth
  • Multiplication
  • Commercial cultivation
  • Growing ginger in the garden
  • origin
  • Today's main growing areas
  • particularities

The ginger tuber is known to most people as a kitchen spice. It has a sharp, aromatic taste and gives many dishes an exotic note. Its origins are also exotic. The ginger plant grows in the tropics and subtropics. However, the original home of Zingiber officinale is no longer known for certain. Ginger is grown today in many countries around the world, including France and Australia.

Ginger plant


Ginger (botanical name Zingiber officinale) grows as an herbaceous, perennial perennial. The leaves arise from a rhizome, a rhizome. This tuber is used in cooking or as a remedy. Ginger plants have thick stems and long leaves and look like reeds. The kitchen spice reaches a height of 50 - 150 cm. The inflorescences also arise directly from the ginger rhizome. With a length of 25 cm, the flower stem remains smaller than the long leaves. Several small red, yellow or purple flowers grow in the scale-like flower spike.

Ginger plants aren't evergreen. After the growth period, the leaves die and a dormant phase begins. The plant uses the storage substances in the rhizome to survive.

Ginger plant, Zingiber officcinale


The ginger tuber constantly forms new pieces, the plant can then be multiplied by dividing the rhizome. Seeds form on the flowers, but they hardly play a role in commercial propagation.

Commercial cultivation

The ginger cultivation takes place in the respective growing countries in sometimes huge plantations. For the kitchen it is harvested for the first time after a few months. Then the rhizome is still young and tender. These ginger bulbs can be used fresh or sold. Spiced ginger, which is dried and ground, is only harvested at the end of the growing season. At this time, the leaves die off. Although there are harvesting machines for ginger, cultivation and harvesting are mostly still done by hand.

Growing ginger in the garden

In his homeland, ginger plants are grown directly in gardens, like potatoes in our country. Rhizome pieces are brought into the earth with a corresponding distance. The plant likes it warm and humid and, with good care, quickly leaves and flowers. While the perennial grows above ground, the rhizome forms new parts in the ground. It only spreads vertically and soon resembles deer antlers. Ginger roots can be dug up fresh and used immediately in the kitchen or preserved for later use.


It is believed that ginger plants originally come from Indonesia or Sri Lanka. However, since the spice has been known in medicine and cuisine for thousands of years, the perennial has spread all over the world. Ginger came to Europe via China and India. He has been known here since ancient times. In 16. In the 19th century, the Spaniards brought ginger bulbs to the New World, where it found perfect conditions due to the right climate. New types of ginger formed in Jamaica, Brazil and later also in Australia.

Today's main growing areas

Ginger is grown successfully in many countries in the tropics and subtropics. The largest exporter is China while India is the largest producer. In India, however, the ginger that is grown is mainly used by itself. In countries such as Australia, Jamaica, Brazil and Thailand, regional varieties are grown. The individual types of ginger differ in the size and fiber content of the tuber, and the sharpness and aroma can also differ.

Ginger varieties:

  • Australia: fibrous tuber, mild taste
  • Brazil: very productive, large tubers
  • Fiji Islands: tuber not very rich in fibers, high moisture content
  • India: tubers with a slight sweetness, aroma reminiscent of lemons
  • Jamaica: particularly intense aroma
  • Nigeria: very hot, but not very aromatic

Ginger bulbs with shoots


Since the cultivation of ginger plants is very easy, it is also possible with us on the windowsill or in the summer garden. All you have to do is stick a purchased ginger tuber with multiple eyes in soil and keep it moist. The first leaves will soon sprout. The location should be warm and sunny. Since the plant is not hardy, it can be harvested in autumn or overwintered indoors.
In Austria in Burgenland there is a series of experiments on the commercial cultivation of ginger bushes. However, it is not yet certain whether it will be warm enough in autumn for the plants to mature.

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