What to fill the nest box with?

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Fill the nest box?

Even if you mean well, it is usually not necessary to have one nesting box(€ 8.99 at Amazon *) to be furnished ready for occupancy. The birds prefer to build their nests themselves. Most often they can find the necessary material in the garden. If you still want to grab a little under the wings of the animals at work, you can provide some hay or put it straight away in the bird house. The guests are happy to accept the soft ground. However, they are unsuitable for filling a nest box

  • sawdust
  • and straw

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  • When is the right time to clean a nest box?
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Keep a record

If you want to make it easier for the birds to build their nests, it is advisable to observe the different species and document their occurrence. This will make it easier for you to adapt the material made available in the coming year.

Recognize bird species by nesting material

Did you know that the material the nest is made of provides information about the breeding bird species? Here are two examples:


  • soft material like hay
  • often animal hair


  • Tree bark
  • dry leaves

Time of cleaning

While you don't have to fill your nest box, it is important to keep it clean to prevent parasites from spreading in the bird feeder. In addition, boxes that already contain nests will not be accepted by new birds. It is best to remove the nests in late summer or early spring, on the one hand not to disturb the brood and on the other hand to offer the animals an opportunity to hibernate. You can simply dispose of the old nest on the compost or use it as a decoration.