Organic gardening: more than just a trend

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Even more: You can already speak of a real movement, because in today's society everyone wants to eat healthily and at the same time “do something good” for the environment. Here and there a flower pot in which a poor tomato plant withered - that's just not enough today. Rather, one is now striving to own fruit, vegetables and Herbs cultivate in order not only to change the daily menu, but to enrich it.

The perfect size doesn't always matter

The retail industry is increasingly focusing on this individual needs of customers a. Most of the shops sell fruit and vegetable products from local farmers. At the same time, however, retailers ensure that the appearance of the food from Mother Nature's lap is as perfect and “customer-oriented” as possible. Demanding connoisseurs can look forward to "tailor-made" products. Every cucumber, every tomato and every radish is "standard" evenly and - of course - does not show any flaws. But does the consumer really want that? Is it really his wish to buy tomatoes that are perfectly rounded? Does every radish really have to be as even as a ping-pong ball? Not at all. When you consider how often pesticides are used to get "best results" or Getting flawless natural products is truly worrying. This is exactly one of the fundamental reasons for the growing enthusiasm for organic gardening. The positive influences have long been known

so-called effective microorganisms appreciate. For example, they help to consume and digest germs. In this way, they break down harmful toxins and other compounds into their constituent parts within a very short time, so that they can no longer cause any damage.

Customer orientation in local retail

Depending on the store, the regional products can be delivered right to the customer's doorstep on request. These and many other services actually make organic gardening superfluous. Nevertheless, more and more consumers want to grow their own food. The reasons for this are diverse:

  • organic gardening is extremely sustainable
  • the quality of the products can be checked "on your own"
  • Eating “organic” is fun
  • Organic gardening calms your conscience and it relaxes you
  • By doing your own “gardening” activity, you can raise awareness of food

There are many good reasons for organic gardening

Taking things into your own hands, feeling closer to nature - these and other reasons are prompting more and more people to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs in their own gardens. What was just a trend at first has now become a real movement. You want to eat healthy and chemical-free. However, perfect curves or ideal dimensions are not required for fruit and vegetables. In addition, gardening is simply fun, although it sometimes involves a bit of work and physical effort. But outdoor activities are known to be healthy too.

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