These are the characteristics that make them stand out

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An important criterion for differentiation is the bitter taste of the real thing Aloe vera. But of course you shouldn't cut off a leaf of the plant and try it if you want to buy an aloe vera. So you need to focus on the external appearance. In addition, the taste depends on the watering behavior and, in cultivated forms, is often milder than in a wild plant.

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  • Aloe vera means real aloe
  • Correct temperature for aloe vera
  • Aloe vera blooms in spring

This is what real aloe vera looks like

The real aloe vera has only a short stem or is even stemless. The lanceolate smooth leaves are about 40 - 50 cm long and approx. 6 - 7 cm wide. They are gray-green, sometimes with a slight reddish tinge, and grow in dense rosettes.

The approximately 2 mm long teeth on the leaf margins are characteristic. The yellow or orange flowers sit on inflorescences up to 60 cm long. The aloe vera multiplies by itself through runners. Their healing properties do not develop until they are around four years old.

The healing properties of aloe vera

The anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties of aloe vera are particularly outstanding. That is why the gel (the juice) from the leaves of this plant is often used for a wide variety of skin problems. It also has a wound healing, moisturizing and soothing effect.

Aloe gel is part of many skin care products and even helps heal burns. Other areas of application are neurodermatitis, psoriasis or herpes, but also bruises, acne or abrasions. Taken internally, aloe gel relieves constipation, but in higher doses it can also cause diarrhea and is slightly toxic.

The possible uses of aloe vera:

  • Burns
  • sunburn
  • Abrasions
  • acne
  • Bruises
  • Eczema
  • psoriasis
  • Herpes
  • constipation


For internal use, you should use ready-made preparations such as drops or tablets, as overdosing can lead to poisoning.

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