The best tips for good growth

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How often should you water the real laurel?

Since the spice laurel originally comes from the Middle East and is native to the Mediterranean area, the plants can withstand short-term dry phases even in sunny ones Locations the end. For plants in the pot you should, however, water regularly, as their root balls are more dried out by the wind and sun than with outdoor plants. Also in Winter quarters you should water the real bay laurel sufficiently, as it is more often the reason for drought damage brown leaves are considered frost damage due to low temperatures.

also read

  • Hibernate real laurel properly
  • Real laurel - overwinter and care
  • The perfect location for the laurel

How can you repot spice laurel?

The Laurus nobilis is ideally repotted after overwintering if its growth makes this necessary. It can have a positive effect on the development of the laurel if the shoots and roots are light when repotting cut back will.

When and how is the Laurus nobilis pruned?

Since the real bay leaf is very compact and grows rather slowly, it does not necessarily have to be cut regularly. However, with a specific shape cut, geometric shapes or animal figures can be raised from a laurel tree. In general, pruning should be done after the first growth spurt at the end of April or beginning of May, if possible. Leaves and branches for that

dry as a spice but can be used throughout the growing season harvested will.

What pests are there and how do you protect plants from them?

Pests like Spider mites or aphids prefer to attack the laurel when it is overwintered too warm. This can be remedied by rinsing the plants and moving to a cooler place with a room temperature of less than 10 degrees Celsius.

What to do with diseases and brown leaves

Since the real bay laurel is a very robust plant, it is usually not attacked by diseases. Deficiency symptoms like yellow, tan or falling leaves are mostly due to drought damage or rotten roots due to waterlogging.

How often should the laurel bush be fertilized?

Since Laurus nobilis is a very undemanding plant, fertilization in good soil is not absolutely necessary. However, from spring to autumn you can use the following fertilizers about every 14 days fertilized will:

  • liquid complete fertilizer
  • Horn shavings
  • Blue grain

However, you should proceed sparingly, otherwise the shoots may grow unsightly in length with increased leaf spacing.

How can the real laurel be overwintered in this country?

In mild locations, the real laurel can spend the winter outdoors. Most of the time it is necessary to use it in the pot in a basement or garage space with temperatures between freezing and around 10 degrees Celsius.

Tips & Tricks

Use the pruning of the plant for topiary purposes in order to use the resulting cut material as a spice store at the same time dry.


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