Best time to plant herbs in the garden and on the balcony

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Plant herbsThe cultivation of aromatic herbs is under a good star if the young plants are planted in the soil at exactly the right time. In view of the immense variety of varieties, there is uncertainty among amateur gardeners precisely on this point. The question arises, quite rightly, whether hardy and exotic herbal plants are planted at different times. Don't feel any longer in the dark, because the following lines will give you comprehensive information about the best time to plant herbs in the garden and on the balcony.

This planting time always fits

Regardless of whether the herbs were bought behind glass or ready-made in the garden center, be on the safe side with the following date for planting:

  • The best time to plant herbs in the garden and on the balcony begins at the beginning of May
  • Ideally, the young plants come after the Ice Saints from the 15th May into the earth

For exotic herb varieties, an appointment after 'Kalten Sophie' is at the earliest, if experience has shown that no more belated frosts are to be expected. Even hardy herbs do not immediately have the frost resistance that they do in advanced age. They have just outgrown the nursery pots and are just as vulnerable to sub-zero temperatures as their tropical counterparts. Only in the course of careful care in connection with hardening in the open air do wormwood, chives or rocket develop the robust constitution that they need for them

perennial cultivation in the open field qualified.

Proper planting

The decision for the best planting time alone does not create magnificent herbal plants that deliver a rich harvest. In order for the young plants to take root quickly, it depends on the right planting in the optimal location. This is how you do it:

  • All herbs need a sunny, warm and sheltered location
  • With a few exceptions, the soil should be humic, lean and fresh and moist
  • The crop rotation is to be observed, because mostly herbs do not get along with themselves or their conspecifics
  • Loosen the soil deeply at the chosen location and weed it thoroughly
  • Optimize the soil by adding sifted compost, granulated cattle manure and a little sand
  • Dig plant holes with twice the volume of the root ball
  • Pot the young plants soaked in advance with water, place in the soil and water
  • Make sure there is sufficient plant spacing and use sprawling varieties with a root barrier

Planting herbs in pots on the balcony follows a similar pattern. Commercially available herbal soil has proven itself as a substrate. Alternatively, a mix of loamy garden soil, compost, sand, horn shavings and perlite are recommended. The few heavy consumers, such as basil, thrive in compost-based potting soil, enriched with sand or expanded clay. Drainage on the bottom of the pot above the water drain is essential. Use inorganic material such as pebbles, grit or crushed pottery shards. Add a water and water layer between the drainage and the substrate

air-permeable fleece.
Tip: Exotic, cold-sensitive herb varieties are covered with garden fleece at night until the danger of the sheep's cold is over at the beginning of June.

Direct sowing possible from March

A large number of resilient, hardy herbs can be sown directly in the bed well before the best planting time. This has the advantage that the resulting young plants are already well hardened. The following overview lists the dates for the most important herbs in the garden and on the balcony:

  • Savory: from the beginning of April
  • Borage: from mid-March
  • Dill: from the beginning of April
  • Chamomile: from the beginning of March
  • Chervil: from the beginning of March
  • Lovage: mid-March
  • Parsley: frost sowing from February
  • Sage: from the end of April
  • Sorrel: late March
  • Chives: from the end of April
  • Hyssop: late April

mintProper preparation of the bed plays an important role in ensuring that the seeds sprout. All weeds are removed as well as stones or roots. After the soil has been loosened deeply with the digging fork, work in a 2 to 3 centimeter high layer of sifted compost. Before the seeds are sown, the rake should have ensured that the soil is as finely crumbly as possible. Ideally, you sprinkle another layer of compost, sand or vermiculite over the seeds and moisten everything with a fine effervescence. A fine-meshed net protects the bed from voracious pests. Thorough weeding is on the maintenance routine every few days until the seeds germinate. In addition, the seeds must neither dry out nor swim in water. Once the first leaves have developed, the weakest seedlings are sorted out to make room.
Tip: A mobile polytunnel protects the bed from the worst weather conditions with direct sowing.

Cultivation behind glass from April

Direct sowing in the bed or in the tub on the balcony is burdened with numerous imponderables, especially due to the harsh weather conditions, threatening diseases and pests. In contrast, indoor cultivation creates the best conditions for both tropical and native herbs. Since the vast majority of herb seeds germinate quickly, come for sowing

an appointment from the beginning of April is possible. If you sow at an earlier point in time, there is a risk that the young plants that have ripened too early will develop long, weak horny shoots on the windowsill. If the best planting time is just around the corner after the Ice Saints, the plants have already exhausted themselves to such an extent that they will find it difficult to gain a foothold outdoors. Following these instructions, you can sow behind glass:
  • Soak the seeds in lukewarm chamomile tea for 6-12 hours
  • Fill a seed bowl or small pots with peat sand, coconut fibers, perlite or seed soil
  • Do not plant the seeds too closely
  • Do not cover light germs with substrate
  • Moisten the sowing with water from the spray bottle
  • Cover the seed pots with glass or put on cling film

basilIn the partially shaded window seat, germination begins at temperatures of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius on average within 2 to 4 weeks. Any cover has fulfilled its function and will be removed. When the seedlings have reached a height of 5 centimeters and have developed 2 to 3 pairs of leaves, they are pricked out in individual pots. The young plants must not dry out until the planting date.

Special case of cold germs

A few types of herbs are cold germs, such as wild garlic, rue, angelica or woodruff. Although the same deadlines apply for these seeds as for normal germs, an additional step is required here. In order to put these seeds in a germinative mood, they experience a cold stimulus. For this purpose, store them in damp sand for 4 to 6 weeks in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. If that is too time-consuming, direct sowing from February, where Mother Nature is responsible for the stratification, prefers.


By choosing the best planting time for herbs in the garden and on the balcony, prudent hobby gardeners set the course for the best growth and a rich harvest. You are on the safe side if you plant the young plants you have grown yourself or bought ready-made in the bed or in the pot from mid-May. Optionally, winter-hardy herb varieties can be sown directly into the bed from March, which of course involves considerable risks. In contrast, cultivation behind glass scores with vital young plants, provided that sowing is not started before the beginning of April.