The best location for lovage »He feels at home here

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Best location for sowing

Already with the sowing Of lovage, the right location is important in order to achieve success. The place should be warm (at least 20 ° C) and bright.

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If you love lovage at home in the pot or in a seed tray, place the vessel near a heater, e.g. B. on the brightly located window sill in the living room or in the kitchen. In the kitchen in particular, it is usually warm and the humidity is high due to the cooking.

Location requests outdoors and in pots

Once the plants have grown, they need a full sun to partially shaded location. The Maggi herb grows best outdoors in the blazing sun and in pots on the balcony in a south-east or south-west position. Ideally, the place is in a sheltered location.

What should the soil be like?

A deep soil is important as lovage develops a long and thick rhizome. Furthermore, the floor should have the following characteristics:

  • slightly acidic to slightly alkaline
  • high nutritional content
  • rich in humus
  • permeable
  • sandy-loamy to loamy
  • fresh to moist (avoid waterlogging and dryness!)
  • like calcareous

Tips & Tricks

In winter you don't have to worry about your maggi herb. It's complete hardy - it can withstand temperatures down to -20 ° C without problems.

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