This is how you ensure stability

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The foundation connects the house with the subsurface

You have various options here:

  • Point foundation
  • Strip foundation
  • Slab foundation

also read

  • Garden shed: the right substructure ensures stability
  • The self-built garden house - this is how it works
  • Extending the garden house - great ideas that are easy to implement

The point foundation

With this foundation, which is very easy to build, the concrete is only applied selectively. These concrete places, on which the foundation beams are then attached, should protrude about 20 centimeters deeper than the frost line into the ground.

You can either support the holes with wooden cladding or simply insert PVC drainage pipes that are then filled with concrete. This is also a very inexpensive and practical variant that provides good air circulation and therefore practical, you have to Garden shed(€ 39.99 at Amazon *) Set up in a rather damp garden corner.

The strip foundation

Here boarded trenches filled with concrete form the basis on which the arbor is then attached. The strips run under the outer walls of the house; in larger garden houses, strips placed across the position of the beams provide additional support.

The slab foundation

Here the entire floor slab of the arbor is poured from concrete. This is a little more complex to manufacture:

  • First, a sufficiently deep pit is dug.
  • Backfilled and compacted with a drainage layer of sand and gravel.
  • The concrete surface is then poured.
  • It is advisable to add a steel mat for greater stability.

A sub-floor made of terrace slabs

Metal tool sheds are often built on an uncomplicated basis Substructure made of concrete slabs, which are placed in a bed of gravel, attached. On this you attach the metal substructure, into which the side elements are then inserted.


Please keep in mind that a foundation makes the arbor subject to approval in all federal states. Don't be afraid of going to the authorities, as you can almost always get the building permit for a standard garden shed without any problems.