What costs can be expected?

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Materials needed and the average cost

Before you can start planting, various preparatory work is necessary, depending on the local conditions. A Rock garden on the slope for example, it must be secured (for example by a wall), heavy soil should be covered with sand be loosened and with a drainage made of a layer of gravel and, if necessary, water pipes Mistake. Quarry stones and sand are quite cheap: you should expect around one to two and a half euros per square meter. On the other hand, the stones are more expensive, especially if they are large natural stones. Depending on the type of rock, these can cost up to 500 euros per square meter.

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Caution: Transporting large stones can cost thousands of euros

Sometimes not even the particularly beautiful boulder is actually the expensive object. Instead, transporting it, possibly over many kilometers and with heavy equipment, is time-consuming and expensive. For this reason, before buying special stones, you should always look after the removal and the Inquire about the expected transport costs - this prevents shock moments when opening the later Invoice.

Costs depend on the size of the rock garden and the choice of plants

Now is a large rock garden with a lot of substructure of course many times more expensive than a rock garden in a raised bed or even in a pot, no question about it. However, it can also be expensive in small rock gardens, namely when choosing the plants. You can get common plants for just a few euros in specialist gardeners, but special rarities sometimes cost several hundred euros and can only be obtained from specialist dealers or retailers. Breeders acquire.

Have a professional create a rock garden?

If you want to have the rock garden laid out by a professional, you have to add the labor costs to the material, of course. Depending on how large and complex the rock garden is to be designed and what equipment is used for it must be used, you can expect costs between around 3,000 to 10,000 and more euros.


If the soil is heavy, it should always be dug and improved with sand and a layer of drainage. In addition, a rock garden should always be on a slope and there in the upper area - so the water can drain off and does not build up on the plants.