Snapdragon flowers, a delicious treat
The snapdragon is completely non-toxic, so that there is no danger to small children or animals when eaten. On the contrary, the pretty flowers are extremely attractive to look at and also very healthy. They contain valuable ingredients such as:
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- essential oils
- secondary plant substances.
also read
- Which location does the snapdragon prefer?
- Planting snapdragons, so go ahead and do it right
- How do I know if my snapdragon is hardy?
Taste of the flowers
Snapdragon flowers have a pleasantly aromatic sweet taste. This makes them an excellent match for all sweets, desserts and summer salads.
How are the flowers collected?
So that you can be sure that the flowers are free from pollutants and pesticides, you should only collect them in your own garden. It goes without saying that you don't use any insecticides or any Herbicides have applied. In addition, you can be sure not to mistakenly mistake the plant for a flower with inedible flowers.
Processing of the flowers
- Just shake out the snapdragon flowers or simply drag them briefly through the water.
- Put them in a bowl of water and keep them fresh for a few hours.
- All hard parts and green sepals are removed.
- Flowers quickly become wilted and unsightly. Therefore only add these to the dish immediately before serving.
So that the snapdragon grows many flowers, you should move it to a sunny place Location set. Here it blooms all summer long into October.