These plants thrive in the shade

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Suitable locations in northern locations

A dry, perhaps sloping location on a slope is also ideal for the rock garden in northern locations. Here rainwater can flow downwards, but must not be at the foot of the embankment collect. Good drainage, perhaps even by means of pipes and plenty of gravel in the substructure, is therefore essential. Furthermore, the north-facing location of the planned shadow garden should not necessarily be directly in front of a house wall, because the sun never actually gets there.

also read

  • Properly plan and lay out a rock garden
  • Rock garden on a slope - plan, create, maintain
  • Japanese rock garden as a refuge - properly lay out and plant

The right plants for the shady rock garden

The selection of suitable plants for the rock garden is - contrary to expectations perhaps - large. in the Full shade Especially ferns like the rue (Asplenium rutamuraria) feel at home. This tiny creature can be found in wall joints and between stones. The pretty striped fern (Asplenium trichomanes) doesn't need much space either. In contrast to the deer tongue fern (Phylitis scolopendrium) or spotted fern (Polypodium vulgare), which are significantly larger. The wintergreen one is also perfect for shady locations

Ground cover Hazel root.

Flowering plants for the shade garden

You don't have to do without beautiful flowers on the north side either.

  • Gunsel (Ajuga reptans) needs a little more moisture.
  • The Waldsteinie (Waldsteinia ternata) is evergreen and has yellow flowers.
  • The foam blossom (Tiarelle cordifolia) also loves rather moist soil.
  • The memorial (Omphalodes verna) is with the forget Me Not related.
  • The lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) often blooms as early as the end of February.
  • The porcelain flower (Saxifraga umbrosa) is also one of the spring bloomers.
  • Bergenia come in many varieties and different flowering times.
  • Of the Larkspur (Corydalis lutea) is an undemanding permanent bloomer.
  • The tiny cymbal herb (Cymbalaria muralis) spreads quickly in natural stone walls.
  • The Haberlea (Haberlea rhodopensis) scores with pretty light blue flowers.
  • The rock plate (Ramonda myconi) feels most comfortable in the cool shade.
  • The gold droplet (Chiastophyllum oppositifolium) shows golden yellow flower clusters.
  • Even the mossSaxifrage (Saxifraga x arendsii) is one of the typical plants for the north side.


Many too Herbs thrive very well in shady rock gardens, such as comfrey, lovage and others. Boxwood is particularly suitable on woody plants.

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