Roasting peanuts »This is how it works in the oven and in the pan

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Roast peanuts in the oven

First, buy peanuts that have already been peeled and blanched. Of course, you can also use unshelled peanuts. However, you will have to peel them after roasting and before consuming them.

  1. Preheat your oven to 150 degrees.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the peanuts on top. The nuts should lie loosely next to each other.
  3. Slide the tray into the oven on the middle shelf and bake the nuts for about an hour. Unpeeled peanuts take a little longer.
  4. When the peanuts have reached the desired degree of browning, take the tray out of the oven.
  5. The nuts are still very hot and need to cool down before they can be eaten.

also read

  • The peanut is a legume
  • The healthy walnut - roasted even more full of flavor
  • Peanuts aren't nuts at all!

Roast peanuts in the pan

It is also best to use peanuts that have already been peeled. Take a non-stick pan and heat it on the stove without any fat. Add the nuts and roast them for about 20 minutes, turning them frequently. Don't forget to stir, the nuts burn quickly in the pan and then taste bitter.

Season roasted peanuts

As long as the peanuts are still warm, you can season them to your own taste. The hot nuts absorb the seasoning well. Let your creativity take over your mind and body.

Examples of spiced nuts

  • Peanuts with chilli or barbecue spices taste particularly hearty
  • coarse sea salt as a classic variant
  • Chayenne pepper or wasabi powder make the nuts really hot
  • with smoked paprika it gets fiery in hungarian style

Of course, you can also fall back on ready-made spice mixtures from the trade and thus produce very unusual spiced nuts.

Lovers of sweet nuts sprinkle their roasted peanuts with sugar and cinnamon, for example. Seasoned like this, they go great with mulled wine. Vanilla sugar, orange or lemon sugar are also suitable for sprinkling. It's Christmas time with a pinch of speculoos spice in the sugar.
Roasted peanuts are also very tasty if you coat them with a glaze before roasting. A butter-honey mixture is suitable for this, for example. Heat about 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of butter together in a large saucepan. Mix the two together well and take the pot off the stove. Add the peanuts and mix thoroughly.
Now continue the roasting process in the oven as described. The glaze dries when roasted and gives the peanuts a wonderfully sweet and buttery taste.

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