It also thrives outdoors

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Possible locations for the wax flower in the garden

So that the switch between the Location in the garden and the winter quarters in the house is not a major disruptive factor in the development of the plant, wax flowers should only be set up outdoors in pots. If you already have specimens of the porcelain flower on the window sill and want to start an experiment with porcelain flowers in the garden, you can transfer the plant relatively easily Offshootmultiply. Like the locations in the house, the garden location of a Hoya on the terrace or in a seating area should not be too sunny. If the leaves of the rainforest plant are exposed to direct sunlight, the leaves may otherwise turn yellow or brown.

also read

  • The porcelain flower no longer blooms - what to do?
  • The ideal location for the porcelain flower
  • The porcelain flower: toxic to humans?

Caring for the Hoya in the garden

Yellow and brown discolored leaves can also be a sign of waterlogging in the root area of ​​the wax flowers. The wax flower should never dry out completely, but it must not stand "with its feet" in the water. Therefore, there should be a drainage layer in the lower part of the plant pot, into which excess water can drain off. If possible, only water with low-lime rainwater. From time to time, you can also spray the leaves of the porcelain flower with lukewarm water to mimic the climate of the tropical rainforest. Properties of the wax flower that are relevant for care are:

  • New flower buds can develop on faded flowers
  • the Hoya plants are all well tolerated by pruning
  • the flowers form on the side facing the light

Beware of cool temperatures

In the garden, too, you shouldn't turn or move the porcelain flower after it has been set up, otherwise it can sometimes last for a long time no longer blooms. In autumn you shouldn't miss the right time to move into the house, as the Hoya species are very sensitive to the cold. As soon as the temperatures drop permanently below 10 degrees Celsius at night, the wax flower should be moved to a winter place in the house with a room temperature of around 15 degrees Celsius.


You should exercise some caution if there are regular or occasional unsupervised small children or pets in your garden. After all, quite a few species of Hoya can be accidentally consumed toxic to birds and also affect people.