Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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Which location does the floribunda rose Leonardo da Vinci prefer?

Leonardo da Vinci prefers to stand in a sunny and airy location, but is also very shade-tolerant.

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In which substrate should the rose Leonardo da Vinci be placed?

The ideal substrate is loose, permeable and rich in nutrients with a high proportion of humus.

Which other plants does Leonardo da Vinci get along particularly well with?

Leonardo da Vinci is very sociable and gets on very well with other shrubs or shrubs. Social perennials. A minimum distance of 30 centimeters should be maintained.

You can cultivate the Leonardo da Vinci, which grows up to one meter high, very well in sufficiently large and deep tubs. Since roses are deep-rooted, the planters should be at least 40 centimeters deep.

How often should you water the rose Leonardo da Vinci?

Like all roses, Leonardo da Vinci also needs a slightly moist soil, but does not tolerate waterlogging.

When and how often should the bed rose Leonardo da Vinci be fertilized?

Fertilize You Leonardo da Vinci between March and July with an organic Rose fertilizer.(€ 11.51 at Amazon *)

Any that has faded is cut away immediately so that the plant is stimulated to form new flowers. The actual pruning takes place in early spring, when mainly dead, weak and old shoots are removed.

Which diseases resp. Should you pay particular attention to pests in the rose Leonardo da Vinci?

As an ADR rose, Leonardo da Vinci is one of the particularly robust varieties. Still, this strain is quite susceptible to mildew and soot rope.

Is the shrub rose Leonardo da Vinci hardy?

As a rule, the Leonardo da Vinci rose does not need winter protection because it is very frost-hardy. Still, piling up can't hurt.


Since the Rose Leonardo da Vinci is a trademarked variety, you are not allowed to propagate it on your own for copyright reasons.

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