How to recognize and collect them

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Proper equipment simplifies identification

We encounter mosses in the field and Forest, on mountain tops and in the desert. Of course, curiosity needs to be satisfied immediately when an unknown species of moss enters eye falls. The following equipment is helpful to identify moss on site:

  • A strong magnifying glass or a small microscope
  • An identification book for mosses, such as 'Mosses easy and safe to determine' from Quelle-Meyer-Verlag
  • In addition, a determination key for mosses as a field key for advanced users

also read

  • How to properly care for moss - tips for the garden and room
  • How to compost moss correctly - tips & tricks
  • Moss for little light - tips for terrariums, aquariums and orchid showcases

Furthermore, membership in a bryological association makes sense. Members can find current information, literature, images and forums here for the Exchange of experiences available, which a determination of mosses even without scientific Enable previous knowledge.

Tips on collecting moss for home identification

In order to identify a highly interesting moss in peace and quiet at home, it should be properly collected and transported. We have put together for you here what you should pay attention to:

  • Use your fingers to loosen a small piece of the moss pad from the edge
  • Record existing spore capsules (sporophytes) as well as possible, as they simplify the determination
  • Put the moss in a paper bag or a folded handkerchief
  • Note the location and time of discovery, including the local soil conditions

In order not to complicate the identification unnecessarily, the transport time should not be more than 2 hours so that the rootless land plants do not dry out.


Have you collected moss and successfully identified it? Then don't throw away the valuable plant material. Even when it's dried breed Get a fresh green moss carpet out of it. To do this, fill a bowl with lean substrate, sprinkle the dry, crumbled moss on it, sprinkle it with water and put a plastic bag over it.

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