This is how you get rid of it without the use of chemicals

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Use the clover as a green manure and between seeds

Because they are used agriculturally due to their richness in protein Clover species as red and white clover have special properties, they are often used as intermediate seeds in late summer and as Green manure used. After all, this has the following effects:

  • Enrichment of the soil with nitrogen by nodule bacteria on the roots
  • Loosening of compacted soils
  • Erosion control

also read

  • Remove pesky clover from the garden
  • Clover in the garden: information on the flowering period
  • The clover - a pointer plant?

So that yourself hardy clover varieties as red and white clover can decompose in good time before the next following crop, they have to be mulched before winter. This can save time and labor on a flat surface Scarifier(€ 98.00 at Amazon *) be used.

Fighting clover in the lawn with the scarifier

On lawns interspersed with clover, the scarifier ensures that the clover plants and their roots are pulled out of the earth. Because Klee doesn't just get by

sowing, but also propagated vegetatively, real clover nests often form in the lawn. Individual clover nests can also be cut out by hand and the gaps accordingly with soil and Lawn seeds fill up. If there is a strong mix of clover, however, only removal with a powerful scarifier is possible. The uprooted plants can be disposed of on the compost heap as long as they are not already faded specimens with adhering seeds.

Where to get a scarifier from

A scarifier is needed a maximum of once or twice a year, depending on the soil and location conditions in the garden. Therefore, the purchase and maintenance of such a device is not worthwhile for every hobby gardener. Most of the time, well-maintained scarifiers can be hired from specialist garden shops or from horticultural associations and neighbors.


In addition to scarifying, measures should be taken to strengthen the growth of the grass. Provide adequate and targeted watering Fertilizer selectionto positively influence grass growth in relation to the clover. If there is a strong clover infestation in the lawn, instead of scarifying, the temporary covering of the Surface with a plastic film bring the desired success, as the grass recovers from it more easily than the Clover.