Cutting the climbing trumpet »This is how it's done

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The right time to cut back

Since the climbing trumpet only blooms on young shoots this year, it should be severely cut back in early spring. Even a radical cut down to the stick does not harm the plant, on the contrary: it only sprouts all the more vigorously. A not too cold March is best for such a caring pruning, whereby trumpet flowers cultivated in pots can also be repotted on this occasion.

also read

  • Caution! Climbing trumpet is poisonous
  • American climbing trumpet is hardy - other species are not
  • Climbing trumpet (campsis) - location, care, overwintering, reproduction

Cut back the trumpet flower - that's how it works

The following cut variant has proven itself for the climbing trumpet:

  • Completely remove all thin and weak shoots.
  • Shorten very long shoots to a maximum of three to four eyes.
  • This measure promotes branching and thus flowering.
  • All branches leaving the main shoot are also cut back to a maximum of four eyes.
  • If you cut the plant radically back to the cane, flowering will fail this year.

You should also remove the fruits before they ripen because the Trumpet flower together very quickly and then spreads uncontrollably.

Cut cuttings of the climbing trumpet

For one controlled and true-to-variety propagation the climbing trumpet, you can consider propagating cuttings. This is best done in July, i.e. shortly before the flowering period.

  • Cut off this year's shoot tips a maximum of 10 centimeters long.
  • Remove the lower leaves.
  • Fill a planter with sand.
  • Plant the cuttings in there.
  • Put a clear plastic bag or a plastic bottle (cut off the bottom beforehand) over it.
  • Put the planter in a bright place.
  • Keep the substrate evenly moist.
  • Ventilate the plant several times a day.
  • The cover can be removed as new leaves develop.

However, they are not planted until the following spring. Until then, overwinter the cutting under cold house conditions at a maximum of 12 ° C.


In summer only cut the climbing trumpet in emergencies, such as one Pest or disease case. Otherwise, remove all of the flower roots.

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