Watering, fertilizing and more (rod cactus)

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What should be considered when watering Rhipsalis cassutha?

Rhipsalis cassutha does not tolerate complete dryness or waterlogging. Water all year round, but not too heavily. Always pour off excess irrigation water immediately.

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Rhipsalis cassutha does not tolerate lime. Therefore, use rainwater whenever possible for watering or spraying the plant.

How do you properly fertilize Rhipsalis cassutha?

It is fertilized all year round. Only set that during the flowering period Fertilize a. As a fertilizer, cactus fertilizer is suitable, which is given every two weeks.

Are you allowed to cut Rhipsalis cassutha?

Because of its long shoots, Rhipsalis is often cultivated as an ampelous plant. If the shoots become too long, you are welcome to shorten them. Cut them back by a maximum of two thirds in spring.

When do you need to repot the plant?

Rhipsalis cassutha doesn't need a new pot every year. However, you should carefully pot the cactus in the spring and replace the old substrate with fresh soil.

Loose ones are suitable as a substrate Cactus soilthat must not be calcareous.

How do you get Rhipsalis cassutha to flower?

Rhipsalis will grow a lot if you make sure that the day and night temperatures are different. A temperature difference of ten degrees is considered optimal.

What diseases and pests to watch out for?

Diseases are almost always caused by too much moisture in the root area. The roots then rot.

Watch out for Spider miteswho like to stay on the Rhipsalis, especially in winter.

Does Rhipsalis cassutha need a winter break?

Rhipsalis cassutha does not take a real winter break. You can look after the cactus all year round in the flower window. Just don't put it right next to a heater.

Some experts recommend keeping the Rhipsalis a little cooler in winter. This is supposed to stimulate flower formation.


Like all Rhipsalis species Rhipsalis cassutha can also be best obtained using cuttings multiply. The shoots must be at least four inches long and dry for a few days before falling into Potting soil be plugged.

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