Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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How is the Chinese money tree properly watered?

The plant needs little water. It is only poured when the top layer of the substrate has completely dried out. However, the root ball must never be completely dry, waterlogging is also not tolerated.

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  • Growing a money tree as a bonsai - tips for care
  • What is the ideal temperature for the money tree?
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Use rainwater as much as possible and never pour the water directly onto the leaves.

Is fertilization necessary?

In the first year and after repotting, the Chinese money tree is not fertilized at all. Later, give him some liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks. Give less than recommended on the package.

Does a Chinese money tree need to be pruned?

Basically, cutting is not necessary. However, the plant tends to get old with age. Then pruning is recommended.

If you cut the young shoots occasionally, the shoots branch out better and the plant becomes more compact overall.

It is cut in early spring.

When do you repot?

Repot the Chinese money tree in spring. Since the roots are very tender, you need to be careful when doing this.

Which diseases and pests occur?

  • Spider mites
  • Red spider
  • Snail feeding (only outdoors)
  • Gray mold

If the Chinese money tree loses leaves, it is mostly a location error. The plant is then too dark or the roots are too wet.

Gray mold occurs mainly in damp locations. Spider mite infestation, on the other hand, is noticeable in places that are too dry.

Is the Chinese money tree hardy?

The Chinese money tree is not hardy and must be overwintered indoors. Either set it up at room temperature or move it to a cooler place where the temperature is around 12 degrees.

In rare cases the Chinese money tree can flower through the cold storage.


The Chinese money tree owes its name to the ufo plant to its leaves. They look a little like UFOs. Since they are also the leaves of the Money tree resemble, the name Chinese money tree probably developed.

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