Does the mole hibernate?

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Hibernation versus hibernation

Winter rest is, so to speak, a little deeper Hibernation with dropouts. Here is the definition of the two wintering methods:

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Definition of hibernation

Hibernation is a sleep-like state, usually from October to March or April, that various mammals fall into to hibernate. You do not sleep through these months, but wake up every now and then and change e.g. B. the place to sleep to remove excretions. Deep sleep can last uninterrupted for several days to weeks. The body functions such as breathing and heartbeat are reduced to a minimum. The heart then often only beats a few times per minute and the body feeds on the body fat it creates in autumn. Some animals hibernate in community such as B. Marmots, others such as B. Hedgehog, sleep alone.

Definition of hibernation

Hibernating animals wake up more often than hibernating animals. They lower their body functions slightly, but not as much as hibernators. In addition, when they are awake they eat food that they have collected in autumn. Winter are calm

squirrel, Raccoons, badgers and bears.

Does the mole hibernate or hibernate?

The mole is still hibernating again. However, it is a little less active in winter and as a precautionary measure stores up a supply of live (!) Earthworms for the winter. To do this, he bites off their heads so that they don't crawl away but continue to live.


Who in winter one finds hypothermic mole, should take it with you, warm it up and bring it to the vet. Be sure to warm up the mole before you offer it food and water!

The mole in winter

To prevent its burrow from being flooded by meltwater, the mole builds particularly large mounds in winter. Besides, he has to dig deeperso as not to hit frozen layers of earth. In summer the mole burrow is only 10 to 40 cm deep, in winter up to 100 cm or deeper.


Rigid cold from earthworms

Earthworms also burrow into the deeper layers of the earth in winter and become frozen there. The mole is happy about the cold treats.