Groundsel, ragwort, Senecio vulgaris

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Common ragwort is an annual herbaceous plant that also overwinters green. It is one of the few plants in our latitudes that manage to develop flowers even in winter. As a ruderal plant, ragwort colonizes rubble or rubble sites and occurs in almost all not too dry and nitrogen-rich fields, construction sites and, last but not least, increasingly in gardens. If it stands on relatively open areas, it can grow to heights of up to 40 cm. In densely planted herbaceous beds, however, the ragwort only grows a few centimeters high.


  • botanical name: Senecio vulgaris
  • other names: common ragwort, common ragwort, common ragwort
  • belongs to the genus of ragweeds in the daisy family
  • annual (or wintering) herbaceous plant
  • Heights of growth: 10-30 cm
  • Flowers: yellow tubular flowers, relatively small (5 mm) on a knotty, loosely leafy stem
  • Flowering time: no specific flowering period, all year round, in good conditions also in winter
  • Leaves: ovate, serrated pinnate
  • very poisonus


Common ragwort is the most common of all ragweeds. It grows after a very short time on freshly tilled soil that is rich in nutrients. The ragwort is related to the dandelion, which it not only resembles in leaf shape, flower and umbrella-shaped seed stand, but also in its ability to spread. Senecio vulgaris does not necessarily need full sun, but can also cope well with partial shade, although it only grows a few centimeters in less light conditions. In terms of soil conditions, ragwort prefers a dry to slightly moist substrate that is well permeable to water. Slightly mineral soils are best suited.

  • Light requirement: sunny to partially shaded
  • Soil: nutrient-rich and dry to slightly moist
  • pH value: 5.0-8.5
  • does not tolerate high salt contents


Since the herbaceous plant grows as an annual, planting is recommended in spring. Senecio vulgaris comes into its own when it is planted in groups of at least 5-10 plants as ground cover in an outdoor bed. But it is also very easy to care for in pots or window boxes on the balcony or terrace. If preferred ragwort plants are used, they should be removed from their pot very carefully. On the one hand, the plants are poisonous (gloves), on the other hand, the sensitive leaves break off very quickly. The best way to do this is to grab the plant directly under the leaves to pull it out of the pot.

  • Planting time (outdoors): in May (after the ice saints in mid-May)
  • Time to plant in flower pots: March to April
  • Loosen the soil well in advance
  • loamy sandy soils are ideal
  • Add grit, sand or pumice gravel to damp or compacted soils
  • Mix in compost or humus in very sandy soils
  • Insert the plant (same ground level as in the pot)
  • Plant spacing about 20 cm
  • water lightly
  • remove weeds regularly

The following substrate has proven itself in the balcony box or in the bucket:

  • a part of peat substrate
  • two parts of garden soil
  • a part of quartz sand
  • a part of lava granulate or pumice gravel

Tip: If planted in a bucket, the ragwort can go outdoors as early as mid-March. However, if frosts are to be expected, it must be brought into the garage or inside the house overnight.

Watering and fertilizing

Senecio vulgaris loves nutrient-rich soils, which above all contain a lot of nitrogen. That is why it feels very comfortable near vegetable patches. If the ragwort is planted alone in a bed, it should be fertilized with compost or other fertilizers in the spring

long-term nitrogenous fertilizers with a low salt content (organic fertilizers such as horn shavings). The plant grows best if it is only watered when the soil is dry again. But it should never dry out for a long time. The common ragwort does not like waterlogging at all.

Tip: Caution is advised when planting ragwort not only because of its toxicity, but also because of its uncontrollable spreading behavior. The airworthy seeds spread quickly. What began with targeted cultivation can quickly become a nuisance.

Likelihood of confusion

Certain substances (alkaloids) are found in the common ragwort toxic to humans and animals(carcinogenic and liver damaging). For this reason, accidental consumption should be ruled out. Be careful if you have young children or animals that may eat the plant. In addition, there is Can be confused with rocketwhose leaves look similar. Ragwort likes to grow wild between vegetable plants because the nutrient levels in the soil are optimal there. It has often happened that the herb has also appeared in salads that can be bought. Distinguishing features between the garden rocket and the ragwort:


  • yellow tubular flowers, usually half-closed as a bud for a long time
  • at the top the yellow petals peek out like a paintbrush
  • Petals: very narrow, high number
  • After opening, the umbrella-shaped seeds form quickly (similar to dandelions)
  • Leaves: fleshier than that of rocket, coated like a cobweb with whitish (silvery) hairs

arugula (Eruca)

  • four single white petals (petals)
  • propeller-shaped and very narrow
  • distinct brown-purple veins
  • Size: about 10mm
  • perennial (perennial) species: yellow flowers, four (slightly wider) petals

Frost hardiness

The common ragwort is actually an annual plant that can survive winter under good conditions. The herbaceous plant is tough: leaves and inflorescences often survive even strong frosts (down to -15 ° C) unscathed.


If you want to remove the common ragwort from your garden, you shouldn't resort to chemical means straight away. Since the plants mainly spread in kitchen gardens, the soil of which is very loose, in many cases they can simply be grasped in the lower stem area and pulled out. After weeding, common ragwort stems can form new roots and regrow if they are carelessly tossed on the ground. Therefore, they should be collected immediately and disposed of in the residual waste bin.

Tip: Dispose of the ragwort wrapped (plastic bag) around the emergency seeds, which often come before

correct seed is already ripe.
The plant develops up to four generations per year. Even if only 100 seeds develop per plant (usually there are more), about a million offspring are possible in just one year! Fortunately, the seeds usually only fly a few meters, so their range is limited. So if you want to drive the plant out of your garden permanently, you must absolutely prevent the seeds from developing. The whole plant does not necessarily have to be removed from the ground, but it is sufficient to pluck the flowers several times a year - before the airy seed umbrellas form! However, the flowers should not be thrown on the compost. The yellow tubular flowers can also form germinable seeds after cutting or weeding, which find an ideal nutrient medium on the compost.

The editors' conclusion

Regardless of whether the common ragwort is grown as a crop or grows wild in the garden: a little caution is always required. The plant contains poisonous alkaloids and is very easy to reproduce. It spreads quickly throughout the garden and is often mistakenly mistaken for rocket.
Worth knowing about ragwort in brief

  • Under Succulents are the plants that - often originating from warmer regions - have adapted to our climate.
  • They are an enrichment for rock gardens, walls but also for the window sill.
  • What they all have in common is that they are insensitive to heat and require little maintenance and water.
  • Where other plants can no longer find food, the undemanding succulents are the winner.
  • The Senecio vulgaris, the common groundsel or also called the common ragwort, is one such plant.
  • It is undemanding and thrives everywhere. Whether on roadsides, on construction sites or in the garden.
  • Senecio vulgaris loves it a little more humid than most succulents, it belongs to the genus of the ragweeds and is a daisy family.
  • Senecio vulgaris is reminiscent of an aster. This is how the flower head is constructed.
  • There are these plants both as summer bloomers but also at other times of the year flowering plants can be found.
  • Senecio vulgaris reproduces through pollination by bees but through self-pollination.
  • The seeds can be seen flying as little umbrellas and these umbrellas then pollinate the neighborhood.
  • A nitrogen-rich soil is sufficient for the ragwort. Therefore, the plant is also considered a nitrogen indicator.
  • Whether Senecio vulgaris is a herb or a weed is left to the gardener to decide.
  • The gardener just has to be careful that the spread does not get out of hand because, like all herbs, it multiplies quickly and easily.
  • And the flying seeds also ensure that they spread quickly in the garden.

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