Arrow herb ∗ The 10 best planting and care tips (Sagittaria sagittifolia)

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Origin and Distribution

As well as the various species of the related frog spoon, belongs the ordinary Arrowhead (bot. Sagittaria sagittifolia) to the frog-spoon family (bot. Alismataceae). The species is particularly wide in the stagnant to calmly flowing, lime and nutrient-rich waters of the north German lowlands widespread, but also occurs in the rest of Central Europe as far as the foothills of the Caucasus as well as in Siberia and as a neophyte even in North America before. The perennial prefers flat regions and can no longer be found at altitudes above 500 meters.

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The native and therefore hardy arrowhead is mainly planted in the garden as an easy-care ornamental plant in the shallow water zone of the garden pond and other shallow water surfaces. It is especially valuable as a so-called repositioning plant. These are plant species that filter the water in a completely natural way and thus keep it healthy without chemical additives. The arrow herb can be planted both as a solitary plant and in small tuffs with a maximum of eight plants per square meter. There are also a number of suitable plant partners such as the purple loosestrife (bot. Lythrum), the dwarfCattail (bot. Typha minima) or the blue-green rush (bot. Juncus inflexus). The arrowhead also harmonizes very well with species such as the European sea can (bot. (Nymphoides peltata) or various water lilies (bot. Nymphaea).

Appearance and stature

The perennial, perennial aquatic plant grows clumpy and over time forms numerous runners. Due to the strong leaves that grow above the surface of the water, the arrow herb reaches heights of growth between 30 and 50 centimeters, The above-ground parts are drawn in before winter and the plant in the form of spherical tubers on the bottom of the water overwintered. It forms these hibernation tubers on their runners.

If the plant is in a sunny location, it always aligns its leaves in a north-south direction. This behavior is supposed to protect the leaves from the sun, and you can also use it as a natural compass. For this reason the arrow herb is sometimes referred to as the “compass plant”.


In principle, the arrowhead forms three different types of leaves, each of which is shaped differently. The floating leaves, which are always under water, for example, are band-shaped and are formed first. Only then do the first, oval to broadly shaped leaves appear above the water surface. These are visually reminiscent of those of the related frog spoon. At the very end there are the arrow-shaped leaves that give it its name, which make the species so distinctive. The leaves, which rise up into the air, are long-stalked and triangular. The deciduous leaves turn yellow in autumn.

Blossoms and flowering period

The white, only two to four centimeters large flowers of the arrow herb appear between June and August. They consist of three petals, which are arranged in tiered whorls on long, triangular flower stems and have a pink center. The female flowers sit on the lower whorls, the larger, male on the upper ones. Pollination is usually carried out by hover flies, but also by other insects.


After the flowering period, inconspicuous, small nut fruits develop. These contain only one winged seed each.


The common arrowhead is not poisonous. In fact, the tubers on the foothills of the plant are even edible, which is why the species is cultivated for consumption primarily in China (as well as in other Asian countries). The starchy tubers, which are reminiscent of potatoes in taste, have to be peeled after preparation, because the peel contains many bitter substances. Arrow herb bulbs are particularly often boiled and processed into flour, which is suitable for both cooking and baking.

Which location is suitable?

The adaptable and extremely robust arrowhead needs a sunny to partially shaded place at Banks of stagnant to slowly flowing water such as a garden pond or a stream. Here it should be placed on the bank area to a depth of no more than 40 centimeters. In addition, the water should have a high nutrient content so that the plants can thrive in it.


A permanently wet, humus-rich and loamy-muddy subsoil in which you plant the arrowhead at a water depth of between five to 30 centimeters is ideal. Due to the various leaves that can be found both below and above the water surface, the species copes quite well with fluctuating water levels.

Plant arrowheads properly

When planting, place the bulbs of the arrowhead directly in the shallow water area of ​​the garden pond and cover them with gravel. In this way you prevent it from being washed away. For a group plant, around six to eight specimens should be exposed per square meter. For solitary planting and in smaller garden ponds, on the other hand, it is advisable to plant the tubers in special planters in order to prevent them from spreading from the outset. The best season for planting the attractive aquatic plant is spring.

Watering and fertilizing

Maintenance measures such as watering and Fertilize are not necessary if the arrowhead is planted, as long as the nutrient content in the water is correct.

Cut arrowhead properly

Editing measures are also superfluous. Only the parts of the plant that turn yellow in autumn should be fished off the surface of the water before winter, but should not be cut off. The tubers pull the nutrients they need for new growth in spring from the stems and leaves, which is why removing them prematurely leads to a nutrient deficiency. As a result, the arrowhead no longer sprouts.

Propagate arrowhead

Sagittaria sagittifolia often has to be prevented from spreading excessively when it is planted, as the species is extremely willing to reproduce. The arrowhead reproduces all by itself, both through self-sowing and through its overwintering bulbs, which develop on the numerous foothills. You can also multiply the plant specifically by dividing it, digging it up together with its rootstock and dividing it into the desired number of pieces. Each section should have at least one shoot and can then be used again at a new location. The best time to split is in spring, when the signs point to a new sprout anyway. In addition, you can - also in spring - separate the hibernating tubers from the mother plant and also plant them separately in a new place.


Special wintering measures are not necessary, as the arrow herb is sufficiently hardy as a native plant. It pulls in its leaves in autumn and stores the nutrients it contains in the tubers, which form on the foothills over the summer and finally sink to the bottom of the water. In spring the plant sprouts from these tubers again.

Diseases and pests

Basically, arrowhead is unproblematic with regard to diseases and pests and is resistant to both. Especially in larger ponds, only hungry ducks can become problematic find starchy tubers also very tasty and practically overnight whole stocks eat away.


Not all arrow herb species develop edible tubers. If you are interested in exotic vegetables, give them a try Water nut (bot. Trapa natans). This also spreads over large garden ponds. The species is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the water chestnut, which is actually the species Eleocharis dulcis.

Species and varieties

Botanists distinguish about 40 different species of arrowhead, which are native to the climatically temperate to tropical regions of the world. Depending on their origin, the various arrow herb species can be used for planting artificially created bodies of water in the home garden or in the aquarium hobby. In contrast to the native arrow herbs, the varieties from tropical regions are not winter hardy. The genus (bot. Sagittaria) belongs to the plant family of the frog-spoon plants (bot. Alismataceae).

Mutable arrowhead (bot. Sagittaria latifolia)

This species, which is native from Canada to Mexico, is also known as broad-leaved arrowhead and is now native to Europe as a neophyte. The hardy, upright growing perennial develops strikingly broad, arrow-shaped and shiny green leaves. It reaches heights between 40 and 60 centimeters and shows pretty white, slightly pink-tinged flower panicles between June and August. The plant can be placed in up to 40 centimeters deep water and overwinters with the help of its so-called overwintering tubers. But be careful: these are eaten by ducks with preference.

Herbaceous arrowhead (bot. Sagittaria graminea)

This species also comes from Canada and the USA and is well tolerated by frost. The medium-green leaves of the perennial are lanceolate and narrower than those of the other arrowhead species. The plant grows to a height of approximately 40 centimeters and can be cultivated in pots as well as on or in the garden pond or other artificially created body of water. The pretty, white flowers appear between June and September.

Flooding arrowhead (bot. Sagittaria subulata)

This species, also known as the small arrowhead, has its home in the warm regions of the south of the USA and in West Java. The aquatic plant, which grows up to 60 centimeters high, is not hardy, but is a popular ornamental plant in the aquarium hobby. It is considered to be easy to care for and is therefore also suitable for beginners. In contrast to specimens planted in garden ponds and other bodies of water, you should fertilize arrow herbs cultivated in aquariums on a regular basis - the plants have a high need for nutrients.