Horned violets »This is how you can keep them for several years

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Horned violets are usually one to two years old

Most commercial horned violets are not designed to last for decades. The majority of them give up after 2 years at the latest. The bloom leaves from the 2nd Stand year after and the horned violets no longer appear as vital as in the previous year.

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Potential to grow old

Basically, every horned violet has the potential to grow old. These plants, which are known as semi-shrubs, have a creeping rhizome that persists in the ground through winter and from which new flowers emerge in spring.

Neglected horned violets only live briefly

The reason horned violets don't live long is that they are often neglected. However, if you offer them a perfect location with a good plant spacing and do not neglect maintenance, you can extend your life ...

Water, fertilize and rejuvenate regularly

Regular watering, economical

Fertilize and rejuvenation are crucial. The main reason that horned violets are often not perennial is a lack of energy. They bloom continuously and go to their limits. Therefore it is important to water well, fertilize regularly and divide every two years.

Rejuvenate the horned violets regularly

Unfortunately, not all varieties are suitable for sharing. It is best to ask in the garden center! When you have a suitable variety, divide it up in spring or fall. The plant is dug up beforehand. After dividing with a spade the plants are sent to a new one along with fertilizer Location planted.

Protect from severe frost in winter

Corresponding frost protection is also important. Most varieties tolerate frost- some hybrids even temperatures down to -15 ° C. Sensitive varieties should be protected in winter with:

  • brushwood
  • leaves
  • Fir branches
  • Spruce branches
  • or fleece

Tips & Tricks

Do not cut off all of the withered flowers. Horned violets like to sow themselves. This means that even with a variety that is not perennial, you have the chance to admire horned violets every year.