Lavender against snails »How to get rid of pests

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Snails do not like aromatic plants

Every garden that is hostile to snails should have strongly fragrant, aromatic herbs and other plants such as

  • lavender
  • thyme
  • Sage.
  • garlic
  • Nasturtiums
  • as well as peonies.

You can take advantage of the voracious mollusks' aversion to the plants listed by using dense - at least one meter wide - Herbal hedges as border borders plants.

Lavender brew to ward off snails

There is also a natural, non-chemical way of fighting snails. Make sure from dried lavender flowers a strong brew with which you spray your plants regularly. This brew is made like tea, but has to steep for a few hours. By the way, garlic water is also a great help. The brew is made as follows:

  • Scald two or three handfuls of dried ones Lavender flowers with a liter of boiling water.
  • You can also add finely chopped cloves of garlic.
  • Let the mixture steep for a few hours until the lavender water has cooled.
  • Strain off the solid components and pour the scented water into a spray bottle.
  • Now spray the endangered plants with the lavender water - especially around the root area.
  • Repeat this measure every few days, definitely after every downpour.

Lavender mulch against snails

Furthermore one promises Mulch(€ 239.00 at Amazon *) the end cut and dried herbs (Lavender, thyme, sage) Remedy against the snail plague. To do this, distribute the chopped herbs like mulch over a large area around plants and beds. The intense scent will keep the dreaded pests away quite reliably.

Tips & Tricks

Many hobby gardeners swear by so-called beer traps, which are supposed to attract snails. To do this, fill a mug with beer - wheat beer is best - and bury it in the ground, leaving the opening free. The snails will crawl in there and drown. However, only use this trap in a targeted manner and not constantly, otherwise more and more snails will also be attracted from the neighboring gardens.