Here's how you do it

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Need of cleaning

Pond filters must also be cleaned during operation. This is generally not a difficult task, but above all it has to be regularly and continuously happen.

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A little more effort is required when the filter goes into winter operation. At this point, you will need to take a few additional measures.

When buying the filter system, make sure that the pond filter is of sufficient size. Systems that are slightly oversized and designed for a slightly larger amount of water than the pond actually, are definitely more beneficial in terms of cleaning than too small ones Investments. These cause high maintenance costs.

Basic cleaning

Many filter systems have a control display that shows when the filter is due to be cleaned. You should always follow this display and only clean when the device actually requests it.

Filter cleaning for filters with a UVC system

UVC systems are usually the easiest to clean. There is a "cleaning mode" that you can easily activate using a lever or switch. With other devices, all you have to do is switch off the UVC lamp.

Then you can simply push out the filter sponges and squeeze them out thoroughly. You should never rinse them out during the current season, otherwise you will seriously disturb the filter balance.

You can then also revive the filter bacteria with certain agents - the lamp must then remain switched off during the exposure time (often several days). However, this is not absolutely necessary for every cleaning.

After squeezing out the filter sponges, you can simply put the system back into operation. The pump usually continues to run undisturbed during the entire cleaning process.

Winter cleaning

Over the winter you usually have to remove and replace the lamp and rinse out the filter sponges. If you want to put the system back into operation in the spring, everything will be reassembled.


Before installing the filter, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with the operating instructions and always adhere to them exactly. Incorrect operation can seriously disturb the filter balance and thus significantly reduce the system performance.