How to grow rose varieties yourself

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Create your own rose varieties by crossing them

Who rose through a vegetative propagation respectively. bred by grafting, does not create new varieties, but only clones of the mother plant. If you want to grow completely new rose varieties yourself, you have to do this using the method of seed multiplication. For this, however, you need a good bit of luck, because from rose seeds with very different ancestors (many of which maybe not even known) anything can come out - just maybe not what you want Result. For this reason, it is advisable to keep a stud book - provided you do the pollination yourself and don't want to leave everything to chance. By the way: Not only cultivated roses develop from seeds, but also the original wild roses often enough. Rose growing is and will remain a very exciting hobby!

also read

  • Propagate roses yourself by cuttings
  • For healthy roses and more abundance of flowers - pruning dead roses
  • Breeding roses by propagating and grafting cuttings

How does the cruising work?

Every rose blossom is hermaphroditic, i. H. it has both male and female organs. In order for rose hips with seeds to develop from them, these flowers must be pollinated by another rose. This can either be done by the grower or left to nature by planting different types of roses in a bed and waiting to see what happens. The corresponding offspring are then raised and - if they show desirable traits - further selected and crossed with one another. It is important to stop using roses with undesirable properties for breeding.

Which roses are suitable for crossing?

Not every type of rose or -art is suitable for crossbreeding, because some particularly noble cultivated roses are completely sterile and can therefore only be obtained through vegetative propagation. Other varieties - especially those with very double flowers - have very stunted genital organs, so that pollination is difficult or even impossible here. Still other roses have little or no rose hips.

Crossing roses - this is how you go about it

When you have found parent roses that develop ripe rose hips with seeds in them, you can pollinate them by hand. This should be done with flowers that are just opening and where it is ensured that there is no pollination by bees etc. has taken place. Do the procedure early in the morning to beat busy insects.

  • Carefully remove the male pollen sacs (located around the female pistil),
  • which is best done with a small, sharp knife.
  • Put them in an airtight can and keep them for a few days.
  • Shake the can several times to loosen the pollen.
  • Now take a fine brush and transfer the pollen to the pistil of another rose.
  • Wrap the pollinated flower with aluminum foil to protect it from cross-pollination.
  • The foil can be removed after a few days.


In the fall, collect the ripe rose hips to use to extract the seeds. the Seeds are sown and then it's time to wait and hope for the best. However, not all rose hips produce germinable seeds.

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