How to groom and trim the kittens

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the essentials in brief

  • Pussy willows are easy on pruning. The pruning measures depend on whether the wood grows shrub-like or tree-shaped and forms hanging or upright shoots.
  • The trees can be planted in the garden or in pots. Willows are propagated through cuttings. The Sal willow is an exception.
  • Salix species are undemanding and hardly need any care. They can be used in many ways in the garden. Diseases and pests are rare.
  • Different species such as gray willow, Nordic sapling willow or sal willow are known as pussy willows. They are non-toxic to humans but dangerous to cats.

Cut pussy willow correctly

Which pruning measures your willow needs and when you should prune depends on the type and variety. The following pruning measures relate to the different varieties of Sal willow. Wait until the pussy willow has faded before cutting. You should not delay the measure for too long, because cutting is prohibited at certain times of the year.

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Pussy willow is forbidden to cut?

willow cat

Wild pussy willows must not be cut

Wild growing resp. Domestic pussy willows are under nature protection. Like all trees, hedges, shrubs and trees, they come under the protection of Paragraph 39 (BNatschG). Accordingly, it is forbidden to cut the pussy willow when birds are in the breeding season. This applies to both plants in the wild as well as trees planted in the garden. In order to protect living beings, a legal closed season has been set. Between March 1st and March 30th September you must not cut off your pussy willow, put it on the stick or remove it completely.

How to do it right:

  • You can cut off branches from your bushes in small quantities
  • check beforehand whether birds or other animals are breeding in the hedge
  • Gentle shape and care cuts to remove growth are permitted during the grace period

Pussy willow provides an important source of food in spring when other flowering plants are still dormant.

Hanging varieties

Forms with overhanging shoots can be called High trunk or saplings are drawn. However, they do not reach great heights, but remain a small tree. Your shoots lengthen by about 30 centimeters annually. To encourage healthy growth, cut the branches just above the stem each year after flowering.

This radical cut does not bother the wood, because willows are known for their vigor. The pruning measure rejuvenates and supports vitality. Fresh shoots develop as early as summer.

Thinning as an alternative to the radical cut:

  • Shorten branches annually
  • remove hanging branches that touch the ground
  • Cut out older shoots from the inside of the crown
  • Remove young shoots as soon as they are bothersome

The thinning ensures that too much dead wood does not accumulate in the crown. Old branches are quickly overlaid by the regrowing shoots, so that the old wood dies if there is a lack of light. This cut creates a matted to wild appearance over time.

Dwarf varieties

Creeping or recumbent forms can be thinned out or trimmed. The pruning promotes the new budding during the summer months. Cut back the wood by a third or half. In order to keep the willow in shape, it is advisable to cut back the fresh shoots again in autumn. Light shape cuts can be made throughout the summer period.

Upright varieties

willow cat

Upright willows do not need to be cut

You do not necessarily have to cut shrubs with an upright habit. You can leave the pussy willow tree to its own devices so that over the years it develops a unique structure and can naturally build its crown. It is normal for willows to produce dead wood. As soon as the dead material interferes, you should remove it at the base. This gives the fresh shoot more light and you minimize the risk of disease.

Pruning measures for a pollarded willow:

  • In spring cut back withered shoots except for stumps with three eyes
  • Completely remove diseased shoots and dead branches
  • Cut off shoots on the trunk

When and how to plant pussy willow

Willows are known for their rapid growth and good rooting fortune. You can plant the bushes with bare roots in late spring. Hanging kitten willows have a compact rhizome and can also be planted in the desired location in autumn.

An optimal water supply is important for growth. If you have your Common willow want to grow as a small tree, you should remove competing shoots immediately after planting. Leave a strong shoot and guide it with a bamboo stick. Cut off the shoot above the desired crown base. He should have at least five eyes.

Instructions for planting:

  1. Dig a planting hole twice the size of the root ball
  2. Insert the willow as deep as it was in the pot before
  3. Fill in the soil and press firmly
  4. Water the plant well and do not let it dry out in the following weeks


Ingrown willows can be replanted, with older specimens growing less well in the new location than young trees. The ideal time for this measure is October. To make it easier for the plants to grow, you should cut back the shoots radically before digging them out. Then cut off the root ball and lift it out of the ground. Proceed in the same way as for planting newly purchased trees.

Tub planting

There are numerous mini-format kitten pastures that are suitable for cultivation in pots. Hanging varieties also beautify pot gardens on balconies and patios. When buying, make sure that the bush or tree has already reached the final stature height. In this way, you can ideally adapt the bucket to the size of the plant.

Pussy willow reproduce

Most willows can easily be propagated from cuttings at any time of the year. That works mediocre with the Salweide. Here the most successful propagation is given by seeds. The 'Pendula' and 'Mas' varieties are reproduced through refinement.


The natural reproduction

The seeds of Salix species are extremely small, so that the seedling can benefit from makeshift nutrients. Because of their light weight, the seeds can spread over long distances with the wind. Willows are distinctly pioneering plants that colonize vegetation-free locations such as forest fire or erosion areas and floodplain within a very short time. Your seeds will germinate within 24 hours under optimal conditions. On the other hand, they have no chance on densely vegetated areas. The young plants are very susceptible to dehydration and lose to their light and nutrient competitors.


willow cat

Propagation via cuttings is easy and promising

There are no special aspects to consider when propagating cuttings. In winter, cut off fresh and not yet lignified shoots from the shrub. You can also tear off the sprout cutting with a quick pull. As this will damage the bark of the branch that is left behind, you should use a sharp knife. Put the shoot in a glass of water. New roots form within the next few weeks, the speed of rooting depending on temperature and light.


Collect dead kittens before the hairy seeds are blown away by the wind. After collecting, speed is required, because the seeds do not remain viable for long. Within the next two weeks you should keep the seeds moist Potting soil scatter. Press the fine seeds lightly into the substrate with a board so that they are not covered by soil. Pay attention to high humidity for the next few weeks.


The hanging kitten willow 'Pendula', like the 'Mas' variety, is bred on long-rooted willow branches (Salix viminalis). 'Mas' can easily be propagated in winter because the variety also thrives successfully on unrooted cuttings.

  • Cut the base and the rice at an angle, leaving four to five centimeters long cut surfaces
  • Place the cut surfaces of the shoots precisely on top of one another
  • fix with finishing tape
  • Carry out a wound cut at the lower end of the shoot to promote rooting
  • Plant grafted willow and water well

Claims and care

Willow plants prove to be frugal when it comes to care. They do not place high demands on the location and thrive in different habitats. This makes the woody plants popular ornamental plants in the garden or on the balcony and terrace.

Sal willow Nordic sapling willow Ash willow
floor undemanding. tolerates both drought and floods normal Garden soil, preferably rocky but not too wet fresh to moist, neutral or slightly sour
Location Sun to partial shade Sun to partial shade Sun to partial shade
Specialty compatible with wind and salt suitable for exposed locations as a windbreak and pioneer wood

Watering and fertilizing

Willows are undemanding, but they are grateful for an annual compost in the spring. With a Slow release fertilizer you can accelerate growth. Dry sandy soils should be mulched so that they do not dry out during the hot summer months. Young plants need a lot of water in order to develop extensive roots. Container plants have to be watered more often than plants in the open. Renew the soil in the pot every few years to provide the willow with nutrients.


willow cat

The common willow is hardy and does not need any protection

Sallow willows are hardy and do not require special protection if they are well established. Container plants can overwinter outside if their root ball is protected from freezing with bubble wrap or styrofoam. Alternatively, you can put the pot in a dark and cool room with temperatures around five degrees Celsius.


Catkins are suitable for a varied design of the garden. Each variety has its own character, which is why the woody plants and dwarf shrubs can be planted individually, as hedges or ground cover. Willows also look good in pots.

Solitary wood or wild shrub hedge

Kitten willows, which were bred as high trunks or sapling, are particularly effective in individual positions. They can be planted as an eye-catcher in the open space or in the bright front garden, as their space requirements can be controlled. Sallow pastures remain compact on poorer locations. They fit perfectly into the overall picture of native trees and create a natural hedge.

Beds and perennials

The 'Pendula' variety hardly grows more than two meters high and is ideal for spring discounts. Since it is preferably cultivated as a high trunk, planting as a solitary is recommended. In combination with other trees, this variety cannot develop its full potential.

On the other hand, it is perfect for the background of colorful herbaceous beds. The high trunk can be planted under with onion flowers or early flowering shrubs. Choose plants that can cope with the pressure of the roots of the willow and thrive under the shade of the crown.

Ideas for underplanting:

  • Horned violets, forget Me Not and daffodils
  • Hostas, elven flowers or mock strawberries
  • Mixtures of 'Autumn Magic' or 'Spring Flirt'
Pussy willow: Possible underplanting

Pussy willow in the pot

Many willows can be grown as young plants in pots. If they get too big, you should plant the wood in the garden. Low varieties are suitable for permanent cultivation in the tub, because their root ball remains compact. The pot must grow with the wood. Pussy willows require a larger planter every two to three years.

Coordinated fertilization is just as important as regular watering. When the wood starts sprouting in spring, the pot needs to be rotated regularly. Otherwise the shrub only grows vigorously on the side facing the light.

Handicrafts with pussy willow - decoration from branches

You can buy twigs of pussy willow or cut in small quantities from bushes from your own garden and use them for decorative purposes. When collecting, observe the nature conservation regulations so as not to endanger breeding birds or other living beings. Pussy willow branches can be used in many ways:

  • Wreath on willow branches, adorned with blooming horned violets and pearl hyacinths
  • long willow branches in a large glass vase, decorated with spring accessories
  • Glue the kitten to a styrofoam heart and decorate it with bows


Problems with pussy willows

Willows are robust plants that are good at dealing with diseases. The leaves appear dried out for a number of reasons. In addition to diseases, suboptimal site conditions or growth disorders can also come into question.

Orange spots on the leaves

If the foliage is littered with numerous bright spots or spots, it may be the willow rust fungus. If you take a closer look at the underside of the leaf, you can see light yellow to orange-colored spore beds. Species of the genus Melampsora are responsible for the disease. The rust fungi need an intermediate host for their development before they attack pastures. Here come different types of plants such as ephemera, violet, Leeks, firs or currants in question. Orchids have also been described as intermediate hosts.

  • Combat: repeated treatments with a fungicide
  • prevention: Sweep up and remove fallen leaves
  • Strengthening: Provide trees with sufficient nutrients

Whitish coating on leaves and shoots

A white lawn that turns gray with age indicates a disease with the real thing mildew there. The mushroom species have specialized in certain host plants so that they cannot spread between plants from different families. Willows are often attacked by two different mildew fungi. Control is usually not required. A milk-water solution can be sprayed onto the affected plants.

Withered branches and brown leaves

When spring is particularly humid, various types of fungi can colonize pastures. One of these diseases is willow scab, which is caused by the fungus Pollaccia saliciperda. It damages leaves, thick twigs and shoot tips. Affected leaves usually stay on the branch for a long time. The plant parts appear dried out and brown to black.


  • Collect and dispose of infested leaves
  • cut off diseased shoots
  • Administer phosphorus and potash to ward off disease
  • Avoid nitrogen fertilizers
  • Regular lighting out to ensure better ventilation


Brown leaves and withered branches can also be a sign of that Willow Borer be. Look for holes in the bark and the typical vinegar smell.

Black-brown growths on shoots

The mushroom Marssonina salicicola is responsible for Marssonia disease. It manifests itself in leaf damage and a shoot tip drought. Blackish growths on one to two year old shoots that burst over time are typical. The damage appears more frequently in damp weather. Cut off diseased rods. In severe cases, a fungicide is necessary.

The variety of pastures

willow cat

The Salix gracilistyla 'Mount Aso' bears pink pussy willows

The Salix genus comprises 450 different species, many of which were used to grow new ornamental shrubs. They all develop the typical pussy willow, in which many individual flowers crowd close together. In some species these appear particularly noticeable because they sprout in front of or with the new leaves. Willows are popular ornamental shrubs because of their rapid growth. They develop different growth forms and differ in wood and leaf color:

  • Salix gracilistyla 'Mount Aso': pink pussy willow
  • Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki': Japanese ornamental willow with white-colored foliage
  • Salix purpurea 'Nana': spherical shrub with red wood and silver-gray leaves


Many willows are known as cat willows because of their showy flowers. These include ash willow (Salix cinerea), ripe willow (Salix daphnoides), Nordic sapling willow (Salix arbuscula) and the American cat willow Salix discolor, which is seldom found in German gardens is to find. When you read the term pussy willow, it is usually the species Salix caprea. In German it also bears the name Salweide.

Common names for the common willow:

  • Kitten pasture
  • Catkins or Palm Willow
  • White willow
  • Hanging willow

Salix cinerea and arbuscula

The ash or gray willow (Salix cinerea) is a native species that spreads on marsh meadows and is an important source of food for wild bees, Bumblebees and represents butterflies. Its almost hemispherical shape and the gray-green color of the leaves, which can be seen from afar, are characteristic eye stings. The Nordic sapling willow (Salix arbuscula), which is also offered as a kitten willow, grows naturally in Scandinavia. The dwarf shrub reaches heights of growth of less than one meter and is richly branched.

Salix caprea

The sal willow is a native species that is considered an important first forage crop because of its early flowering period. It feeds honey bees and up to 100 different species of butterflies such as small fox, peacock butterfly or lemon butterfly. The wood provides an important source of food for beetles, which feed on the leaves. Salix caprea usually reaches heights of between two and ten meters. It develops a comparatively broad one Treetop. There are different varieties of this kitten pasture, which are characterized by different growth forms:

  • 'Pendula' and 'Kilmarnock': hanging branches, mini pussy willows
  • 'Curly Locks': twigs twisted like a corkscrew, as little trees
  • 'Mas': free-flowering variety with male flowers
  • 'Silberglanz': Advent willow with silvery kittens in early spring

Are pussy willows poisonous?

willow cat

Willows are not poisonous; A healing tea can be brewed from the bark

All parts of the willow plant contain salicin in different concentrations, which is the precursor of salicylic acid. This makes the willow a popular natural remedy. Willows are non-toxic to humans. All parts of the plant are edible, but have a very bitter taste. The fresh leaf shoots make a spicy addition to salads. Leaves, shoots and the inner bark can be boiled several times and consumed as vegetables.

Recipe for a pain reliever willow bark tea:

  • collect young branches and peel off the bark
  • about two teaspoons of fresh or dried bark per cup
  • Pour boiling water over them
  • Let it steep for a maximum of ten minutes


A cold extract made from willow bark tastes a little milder. Pour one to two teaspoons of bark per cup with cold water and let the tea steep for about eight hours.

frequently asked Questions

Are pussy willows under nature protection?

Catkins are protected by the Federal Nature Conservation Act, as in the past they were often cleared in large quantities because of their velvety flowers. The flowers provide an important source of nutrition in spring. They provide wild bees, bumblebees, butterflies and numerous other insects with food. Therefore, collecting branches in nature is punished. Anyone who cuts branches from March to September is acting against nature conservation and risking a fine.

Are pussy willows poisonous to cats or rabbits?

Salicylic acid can be fatal to cats. The active ingredient is coupled to glucuronic acid in the liver and excreted. Since cats have a glucuronidation weakness, so that this detoxification only works to a very limited extent, the active ingredient remains in the organism of the four-legged friend for a very long time.

You should therefore prevent your house tiger from excessively nibbling on young branches, buds or the bark of willow trees. Rabbits are only allowed to eat small amounts of willow branches from common willow and other species because of the tannic acid they contain. Willow helps against diarrhea and gas. Salicylic acid also has a pain-relieving effect in rabbits.

When is the pussy willow bloom?

Most willows bloom very early in the spring. This includes the common willow, which blooms from the beginning of March and is therefore an important source of food for insects. Late blooming species such as the laurel willow open their flowers between May and June. There are, however, some sort of shifts in the flowering period. This depends on the geographical location, so that some early flowering species develop their flowers as early as February.

Can pussy willow cats cause allergies?

Allergies caused by willow pollen are very rare. All Salix species are dioecious. There are male and female trees, the inflorescences of which are called catkins. Because they are pollinated by insects, they spread very little pollen in the air. The herb willow, which is native to the insect-free tundra, is an exception. It is pollinated by the wind. However, higher amounts of pollen can occur locally, and willow branches indoors also increase the allergy potential noticeably.

Typical symptoms:

  • Runny nose, sneezing and itching of the nasal mucous membranes
  • irritated airways and cough
  • itchy and burning eyes

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