What to do when algae bloom?

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Every pond owner knows the problem. In the pond, the water becomes cloudy and green. The algae are spreading. The water in a garden pond is extremely sensitive to external influences such as heat, UV radiation, etc. The substances in the water also contribute a lot to the changes. For example, if the water has a high phosphate content, the so-called algal bloom occurs. However, this can be prevented or counteracted. Prevention begins

but already when planning a garden pond. The pond should be laid out so that it is in the sun for a third of the day and about two thirds of it is shaded. Of course, it is completely different when you buy or rent a house where a pond has already been created, in such a way that it is in the sun all day.
Here, however, pond care products help that ensure that the sunlight is filtered. The algae bloom can also be counteracted by planting. Every garden pond should have a so-called clarification zone, no matter how small or large the pond is. The plants planted here should be fast growing plants. These constantly remove nutrients from the water and thus prevent algae bloom. Pond care products that are commercially available are also of great importance. It should be taken into account that these bind phosphate. For example, special, surface-coated zeolites are wonderfully suitable for this. A garden pond shouldn't have too much mud either. If a large amount of mud collects, the garden pond should definitely be desludged.

 Even if it is said that life begins in spring and you have to open everything in the garden in spring ü Bring the front manu, this sentence may apply to the beds, but in no case to the Garden pond.
You always clean the pond in autumn. A spring cleaning has the opposite effect of what you actually wanted to achieve with it. If the algal bloom has already occurred, special means help to combat it effectively, but in an environmentally friendly way. It is particularly important that all means that you want to use for pond maintenance are free from harmful substances. The products must be ecologically compatible. Recommended products are TeichFitü and AlgoSolü from Söll GmbH.
Of course there are also funds from other manufacturers, there is plenty of information on the Internet, but you can also get competent advice in every specialist shop.
by Hajnalka Prohaska

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