When is the flowering time?

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The heyday

In good time, that means already in March and after the ice saints planted out, sets the Cornflower usually the first flowers appear in June. If you sow the cornflower directly in the field, it will take a little more time and will only bloom in July. Their flowering period usually extends well into October until the first night frosts finally put an end to the blue flower.

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Remove that has faded

So that the cornflower sets as many buds as possible and blooms for a long time, it is important to prune the plant regularly. Cut out anything that has withered at least once a week. This promotes multiple blooms so that you can enjoy the attractive blooms well into autumn.

Avoid over-fertilization

Cornflowers are very sensitive to too much nutrients and then set fewer flowers and all the more green. If necessary, you should already do a little before the flowers form Complete fertilizer spread.

Stabilize flowers

If the cornflowers grow quite high, the flowers have to be stabilized by plant sticks in order not to accidentally kink.


The cornflower is a valuable medicinal plant, the dried flowers of which are used for various ailments. The freshly opened flowers are harvested, which are then gently kilned in a dark place.

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