Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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The pouring - is it really that important?

the Skimmie should be supplied with water all year round. Their evergreen foliage depends on a water supply from above. In addition to winter time, increased attention is required in summer. This plant is not good at dealing with drought.

also read

  • Skimmie: Yellow leaves, a sign that something is wrong
  • Skimmie and the question of the best location
  • Is the Skimmia hardy under all circumstances?

The soil should be kept moderately moist. Low-lime rainwater or rainwater is used for watering. decalcified tap water is used. Brief waterlogging is tolerated by Skimmia. From August onwards, watering is reduced so that the plant continues to grow more slowly.

How is the Skimmia fertilized?

That Fertilize the Skimmie is rather irrelevant or this plant takes what it needs:

  • Mulch layer (e.g. B. Cuttings, bark) in the bed are sufficient
  • Compost in spring
  • in the pot: supply with liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks
  • conventional fertilizers are suitable
  • Use lime-free fertilizer
  • fertilize from April to September at the latest

Can illness bring you harm?

Usually the Skimmia is hardy. If yellow leaves reveal that there are mostly care errors behind it, such as too much sunlight. There are no known specific diseases for this plant.

Do you have to overwinter this plant?

Although the Skimmie is good hardy it should be covered with jute, leaves or brushwood in severe frosts to keep its young shoots from freezing to death. Specimens in the pot should be placed in a cool place between 5 and 15 ° C in winter.

When and how should the skimmie be cut?

After flowering, the Skimmia can have one cut obtain. But be careful: don't cut too radically! The Skimmia grows extremely slowly. It is recommended to thin out the plant and remove the inflorescences of male plants.


If you put the Skimmie at home in winter, be careful! If it is too warm and the air in the room is too dry, the risk of infestation increases with Spider mites drastic.

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