Tips & tricks for everything to do with the harvest

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The right time to harvest

You can pluck oregano fresh from the bush throughout the summer and add to salads, soups, sauces, meat dishes, pasta and egg dishes. Oregano doesn't need a lot of care: If you give it a sunny and not too humid place in the herb garden, it will thrive splendidly.

also read

  • Summertime is harvest time for the aromatic oregano
  • Properly care for oregano in the pot
  • Cultivate oregano in a pot on the balcony

Oregano tastes the most aromatic when dried

In contrast to many other herbs, oregano develops the most intense aroma shortly before and during the flowering period. Harvest time is therefore from the end of June to the beginning of August. At this point it is worth cutting larger amounts of the oregano and making it durable.

Harvest herbs early in the morning

Since oregano is one of the sun worshipers, if possible you should harvest it in the morning hours of a sunny day. The taste is particularly intense if the oregano was able to soak up a lot of sun on the days before. Refrain from harvesting when the weather is cool and rainy, as the plant tastes significantly less aromatic at this point.

If you harvest the oregano properly, you can preserve the aroma of summer for the cold season. Preferably cut the branches of oregano above a branch. This stimulates the oregano to sprout bushy and vigorously. Remove brown and damaged leaves and coarse dirt directly during harvest.

You need for the harvest:

  • Sharp cutting tool. Kitchen or gardening knives that have to be cleaned well beforehand are suitable.
  • A harvesting vessel in which you can put the branches loosely without kinking.
  • Depending on the type of preservation you prefer, you should:

  • Ice cube tray for freezing
  • Twine or drying frame covered with gauze
  • an adjustable dehydrator

keep ready. If you want to dry the oregano, you also need airtight, tinted storage containers for storage.

The valuable ingredients

In addition to the essential oils that give oregano its unique taste, the herb contains tannins, bitter substances and many secondary plant substances. If you harvest and preserve the oregano properly, you can take advantage of the medicinal properties of the plant in the winter months.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of oregano have been proven in numerous scientific studies. Oregano is an excellent bacteria killer and has a disinfectant effect in the stomach and intestinal tract. In addition, it stimulates the appetite and aids digestion.

Pour half to a full teaspoon of the herb with hot water and you will get an excellent remedy that works for sore throats and flu-like infections. Oregano is also great for inhalation for sinus infections.

Tips & Tricks

The oregano flowers serve as a source of food for numerous insects. Bees in particular are magically attracted by their scent. It is advisable to wear gloves to protect against stings when harvesting the oregano.

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