How to grow new plants

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Restrictions on propagation

The hawthorn can be propagated by:

  • sowing
  • Finishing
  • Cuttings method

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The crux of the breeding background: seed poverty

Since the hawthorn is a cultivated form of the two-pronged hawthorn that focuses on the appearance of the flowers, a few difficulties arise in the chapter on propagation. The numerous, double, carmine-red dolomare flowers of Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet' are beautiful to look at and also a valuable one Bee pasture. But they are also restricted in terms of fertility. Their stamens are converted into petals for the sake of appearance, which means that fruits are rarely formed from them.

The disadvantage for propagation plans: you will only be able to harvest your own seeds with a little luck. Of course, if you can catch a cheap flowering and pollination year, you can give it a try. The seeds are stored over the winter and put in in the spring

Sowing soil. Before germination, however, you have to apply a lot of patience and perseverance. It can take several months for the seeds, which are not particularly prone to germination, to produce something.

Refinement only for experienced people

Hawthorn is most effectively propagated through grafting. However, this is an endeavor that requires professional practice. If you have never finished yourself, you should either seek support from someone who is experienced or hire a professional.

Hawthorns are grafted on their breeding ancestor, the hawthorn. So you take a hawthorn as a base and graft a hawthorn cutting behind the bark.

Propagation from cuttings is worth a try

What is definitely not time-consuming and therefore does not involve any wasted effort is the cuttings method. You only have to pay attention to a few small things and do not need to invest an excessive amount of time, which would be a shame if the attempt was unsuccessful.

In summer, cut an already slightly woody shoot about 15 centimeters long with an oblique cut and remove both the leaves and all the flower bases. In this way, you relieve the cutting of all energy-sapping elements and increase the chance of rooting. Put the prepared branch in a planter with soil and keep it moist. Roots can develop in a bright location. Wait until the rooted cutting gives off a healthy, strong appearance with new shoots before planting out.

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