How to plant a flowering wall

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Advantages of perennials over other types of privacy screens

The establishment of Stone walls or privacy screens made of wood as well as the planting of property borders tall trees as privacy screens are not only associated with high costs, but often also throw off legal or legal requirements. neighborhood law issues. In contrast, the acquisition costs for the young plants of various perennial varieties are relatively low and these do not grow “over the head” as easily for the hobby gardener as various varieties flowering shrubs. While a bush, thuja or spruce hedge can take up a width of two meters or more with increasing age perennials can be used as privacy screens on a relatively limited area with a width of about half a meter cultivate. Perennial plants with "herbaceous growth" are characterized precisely by the fact that their aboveground plant mass is in the As a rule, it dies in autumn and the plant then completely sprouts out of the rhizome or the tubers in spring. However, since most gardens are hardly used in winter anyway, no extensive privacy protection is usually required during the winter months.

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Plants with perennial-like habit suitable for privacy protection

While low perennials serve as privacy screens in the Balcony box should be able to serve for the natural privacy screen Perennial varieties selected in the garden are more likely to reach a height of 120 cm or more. However, this height becomes very quickly and significantly faster for many perennial varieties than for annual climbing plants achieved. The following perennials are particularly popular as seasonal privacy screens:

  • Lupins
  • Autumn asters
  • Cosmos
  • Feather poppy

Onion plants like Dahlias Although they also grow herbaceous, in most cases they have to be dug up for wintering.

Combine privacy concerns with an attractive shrub bed

Perennial beds are an ideal way to create a garden area with little maintenance varied foliage colors and alternating flowering times make it permanently optically attractive design. It is common to use different types of perennials in different heights. So put the tallest perennials at the far edge of the Property line or the border, in front of that the medium-high perennials and, in turn, in front of that the low-growing perennials.


Many perennial species, such as the poppy, tend to reproduce relatively quickly once they have established themselves in a suitable location. You should not only consider this fact when planting along the garden border, but also when determining the planting distance in one Perennial bed note.

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