Ideas for attractive privacy protection

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Spatial subdivision and sight lines in the garden

Acting as a privacy screen Stone walls, Hedges and with Climbing plants Green trellises are not only suitable for optically separating a garden from neighboring properties and streets. With their color, surface structure, height and material composition, the selected variants naturally also have an inward effect on the perceived atmosphere in the garden. Design elements with privacy screen character can also be used within the garden area can be used to create garden areas of different characteristics (e.g. cottage garden vs. Asia garden) and deliberately set certain lines of sight and design axes.

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  • The right privacy screen for a terraced house garden
  • Easily beautify a privacy screen yourself
  • Hide the compost behind decorative privacy screens

Green hedges vs. flowering shrubs

It is not without reason that arborvitae species such as thuja occidentalis emerald, the evergreen cherry laurel or beech trees cut into shape are the measure of all things when planting

Privacy hedges: After all, arborvitae and cherry laurel are green all year round, while in the case of the beeches, the dry leaves until they fall off in spring provide a complete privacy screen living fence offers. Most flowering shrubs lose their foliage in autumn and are therefore no guarantee of a visual delimitation in winter. Hedges make sure of that flowering bushes but with their colorful abundance of flowers for enthusiasm. In addition, the composition can be used in a blooming privacy screen of this type can be designed in such a way that from late winter to autumn a different type of plant blooms within the row and creates a lovely scent in the garden.

Modern screen variants set refreshing aesthetic accents

With a modern, creative garden design, the options for privacy protection around the terrace, seating groups and various garden areas go beyond the classic, green privacy screen in the form of a hedge, stone walls and the usual reed mats. The following types of privacy screens are current trends in creative garden design:

  • A self-made privacy screen made from used ones Wooden pallets
  • Fence nets overgrown with real ivy, which are simply set up on site
  • Privacy walls Stone baskets

The right trees for privacy protection from above

If you have multi-storey residential buildings right next to your garden or leisure property or you have a garden in Hillside location would like to design, then the topic of "privacy protection against views from above" can be striking. A sphericalTrumpet tree or a spherical maple offer a certain amount of shielding against views from above, without blocking out too much sunlight, as is the case with trees with an expansively broad crown.


For a secluded seat in the green with a cozy atmosphere, you can reinterpret a somewhat forgotten classic of garden design: in one with Thanks to the shady greenery, you can sit comfortably even in midsummer and enjoy the special charm of this alternative to the garden pavilion enjoy.

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