Location, planting distance and more of the heliotrope

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The planting time

The vanilla flower is planted in spring. It is important that the temperatures no longer fall below five degrees at night, as the plant is very sensitive to frost. This is also the right time if you have a potted solstice during the summer the balcony to decorate.

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The site

Heliotrope prefers a warm, sunny to partially shaded place. If there is a lack of light, the flower, which aligns its leaves and blossoms with the course of the sun, shows unsightly gail growth. Of the Location should also be protected from rain and wind.

The substrate

The substrate should not be too rich in nutrients. Ideal is well drained Garden soilto which you add some sand. For planting in Window boxes(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) is suitable commercially available Potting soil. It is essential to ensure good drainage by applying a thin layer Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) fill into the planter.

The planting distance

Heliotrope can grow up to eighty centimeters in the garden. A planting distance of twenty centimeters should therefore not be fallen short of. Provide support for the plants as the stems snap off slightly under the weight of the heavy flower umbels.

The heyday

The solstice blooms continuously from May to October. If you break out that has withered regularly, the vanilla flower will keep growing new buds.

The increase

You can get high-quality seeds that will germinate reliably from specialist gardeners. The cultivation should take place as early as January so that the small plants can move into the garden in the same year. Heliotrope is a light germ, the germination time is about two weeks.

Transplant in autumn

Since the solstice is very sensitive to frost, it is usually cultivated as an annual in our latitudes. However, it is possible to use heliotrope to overwinter in the house. It is important that you dig up the plants in good time, as temperatures below five degrees are poorly tolerated.


If you want to propagate a wintered vanilla flower, you can do this very well with cuttings cut in spring. When placed in a suitable substrate, they take root quickly and develop into magnificent plants in the course of the summer.

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