What could be the reason and what should be done?

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Why do spruce needles at all?

It is not always a cause for concern when a spruce is yours Needles loses, because some exchange is quite common. The individual needles live around six to 13 years, depending on the type of spruce and the level of stress. This leads to the needles falling off prematurely.

also read

  • Help, my spruce is losing its needles!
  • Help, my spruce is turning brown!
  • Help, my spruce has brown needles!

However, if your spruce loses an excessive number of needles, there can be many different causes. Drought is one of the causes, but it is easy to fix. Waterlogging and nutritional deficiencies are other options that you should consider, as well Pests and Diseases

What should I do now?

Check the soil under your spruce for moisture and pH. If it is dry, water the spruce greenish; if the soil is wet and / or heavy, create a drainage. Based on the pH value, you can tell whether the soil is possibly too acidic. This can be compensated for with a small dose of lime.

Pests can also lead to brown needles and later shedding. Don't just think about that

Bark beetlewho is primarily the bark harms, but also to Spider mites and various plant lice. However, under certain circumstances the Location the cause because walls or foundations significantly restrict the root space.

Will pruning my spruce help?

On one Cut back the spruce often reacts with large gaps that only close very slowly. However, if individual branches are heavily infested with pests, it is better to remove them.

Possible causes for needling:

  • dryness
  • Waterlogging
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • poor growth after transplanting
  • various plant diseases or pests


The sooner you pay attention to brown needles on your spruce and react to excessive needle loss, the sooner your spruce can recover.