How to multiply the pumpkin

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The runners take root in no time at all

The prairie pumpkin steps out of line in the large cucurbit family. With a tap root up to 150 cm long, it anchors itself deep in the ground. Thanks to the numerous runners, it offers plenty of material at the same time to be able to propagate the plant vegetatively. Hobby gardeners who do not feel like dealing with a sowing therefore have a choice here.

  • Carefully lift a branch out of the ground in autumn
  • Cut several pieces over a length of 5 centimeters
  • the outward-facing interface is cut straight
  • the opposite cut runs obliquely for better orientation with regard to polarity

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Both cut surfaces are immediately treated with charcoal ash to protect them from attack by fungal spores or pests. More than half of a runners should not be removed. If you want more root cuttings, dig up another one.

Throughout the winter in the frost-free quarters

The prepared root cuttings are planted without a long delay so that they can start rooting quickly.

  • small pots with peat sand or commercially available Potting soil to fill
  • a drainage layer prevents the formation of waterlogging
  • Place a root cuttings 5 ​​cm deep into the substrate
  • the diagonally cut end points towards the bottom of the pot
  • Place in a partially shaded, sheltered place in the garden until the first frost

The plants spend the winter in a frost-free room or in a Cold frame. During this time they only receive enough water to prevent the small pumpkin plants from drying out. If two to three pairs of leaves have developed in spring, plants The young pumpkins as appropriate Location the end. From this point on, they are cared for like an adult cucurbit.

Tips & Tricks

If you miss the fall deadline to divide a prairie gourd, it's no drama. As soon as the soil has thawed in spring, the procedure can also be carried out. In this case, the root cuttings can immediately be placed in the designated place in the bed or bucket to be planted.

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