It works with these methods

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The multiplication of the Auricle is possible in different ways, namely by daughter plants or division and by the sowing. Removing and planting the daughter plants is done in a few minutes, but you need a little patience for sowing.

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Propagation by daughter plants

The auricle forms side rosettes independently, these are pure daughter plants. They arise either on the roots or in the leaf axils. By separating these daughter plants, you get identical auricles to the mother plant, i.e. plants that grow in the same shape and bloom in the same color.

The division of the primula auricula

The best time to split your auricles is early spring (February to March) or after flowering (September to October). Take your time and dig up the plants to be divided. Rinse the roots with water, then see the best place to cut the roots.

The partial plants are planted in the same way as the daughter plants. Choose a sunny location that is in the shade around midday, with loose, well-drained soil. A rock garden is also well suited. If necessary, put a tiny portion of compost into the planting hole, as the auricle prefers rather poor soil. Even if they can otherwise tolerate dryness, water the plants well.

The sowing of the auricles

You can also multiply your auricles with the help of seeds. However, you will not receive single-variety A plants in this way. If you don't mind or if you love surprises, why not give the sowing a try. Sprinkle the seeds on damp Potting soil without covering them with it. At 18 ° C to 20 ° C they germinate after approx. 20 days.

The essentials in brief:

  • Self-propagation through daughter plants
  • Division easily possible
  • single variety propagation: only through division and daughter plants
  • Sowing not varietal


If you love surprise bags and have enough space and patience, then you should definitely sow auriculas once. Perhaps this will create your new favorite variety.