Watering, fertilizing, cutting & more

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Properly water hanging geraniums

With regard to their water requirements, hanging geraniums are quite ambivalent: the popular ones originally come from Summer flowers from the dry and hot climate of Southeast Africa and are therefore quite long dry periods used. Brief dry phases do not harm the plants, and they must not be exposed to excessive moisture. On the other hand, hanging geraniums are also quite thirsty plants that want to be well watered, especially on hot and dry days. In addition to high humidity, you should also consider waterlogging or waterlogging. Avoid constantly wet substrate.

also read

  • Tyrolean hanging geraniums - care, cutting, wintering
  • How to overwinter hanging geraniums
  • Hanging geraniums - the most beautiful varieties

Fertilize hanging geraniums regularly

In addition, hanging geraniums are extremely heavy consumers and should therefore fertilized regularly will. A special geranium fertilizer is suitable for this, although conventional Flowering plant fertilizer(€ 10.86 at Amazon *)

however serves the same purpose. It is best to fertilize when watering. Make sure that the substrate is moist, otherwise the roots could be damaged.

The right time to cut the hanging geraniums

Many varieties of hanging geranium are self-cleaning, d. H. withered shoots do not have to be cleaned. With other hanging geraniums, however, this measure is quite useful to stimulate the development of new flowers. Otherwise there is a strong pruning before storage in the winter quarters and another - to remove water drifts - in early spring.

Diseases in hanging geraniums

Especially in damp weather or hanging geraniums tend to be watered too often certain diseases. Often occur above all mildew, Gray mold, pelargonium rust or bacterial wilt. As soon as you notice the first signs of these plant diseases, often caused by fungi or bacteria, you should You act as soon as possible - the infected areas are to be cut off and the infected plants to be drier place.

Pests in hanging geraniums

White flies, thrips or aphids feel particularly comfortable on hanging geraniums. If the infestation is noticed in good time, you can contain it with a tried and tested home remedy: treat the affected leaves and shoots with a mixture of 500 ml of water, a strong dash of washing-up liquid (preferably with a citrus scent) and two tablespoons Cooking oil.

Hibernate hanging geraniums properly

Hanging geraniums should by no means overwinter outdoors. The plants are not winter-hardy, but can be - cut back heavily and without soil - in the cool and dark cellar without any problems survive the cold season.


Geraniums should always only be watered from below, so that no water gets onto the leaves.