How to spice it up visually

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Dress up a raised bed

This is a very simple trick, for example to make an unsightly concrete raised bed disappear Dressing up the Border with a different, more beautiful material. In this case, wood is a good choice, but you don't have to worry about it rotting prematurely - the stone border takes care of it for effective protection against moisture, so that you only need to protect the cladding from rain and external weather conditions have to. Non-toxic weather protection glazes are suitable for this. But not only wooden slats and planks encase a raised bed, other materials are also suitable for hiding. These include, for example:

  • beautiful stones that you can use to build a wall in front of the actual bed
  • Perennials, shrubs or woody plants that you plant in front of the raised bed and thus frame it
  • textile materials with which the raised bed can be draped - for example fleece
  • a wrapping of the bedding box with flexible, braided willow twigs
  • a cladding of the raised bed with hazelnut rods

also read

  • The best tips for raised beds
  • Ideas for planting the raised bed
  • The right depth of the raised bed is crucial for ergonomics

If you decide to transplant the raised bed, think of a narrow path between Bedding and planting - otherwise you will no longer come to the raised bed for maintenance and, if necessary, harvest approach.

Decorate the raised bed

In addition to simply hiding or There are other ways to dress up the raised bed. You can choose the color or decorate the bed box with a beautiful mosaic pattern.

Paint the raised bed

Raised beds made of wood or stone are particularly suitable for painting or painting. Depending on your mood, you can either color the entire raised bed to brush or simply apply colorful ornaments. However, you should ensure that you use paint that is waterproof and non-toxic as possible - otherwise it will quickly get into the bed or in the Garden soil. For example, paints such as those used for painting and varnishing children's toys are very suitable.

Glue on raised bed

Raised stone beds in particular can be creatively embellished by laying pretty patterns from small mosaic stones and sticking them on with tile adhesive. You can get matching stones in many colors, shapes and sizes in every hardware store. Commercially available tiles can also be used very well for this purpose.


Recessed seating also contributes to the beautification of the raised bed. With raised stone beds, this can be built into the side wall or (with wooden and stone raised beds) attached to the edge.