How far & where should the marten be released?

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Where do I expose the marten?

Martens are unfortunately very local, which means that once they have settled in with you, they are reluctant to leave. It is therefore important to expose the captured marten far away. The point of release should be at least 25 km from the starting point. You should also leave it in an area that is as uninhabited as possible so that it does not go to the nearest attic right away.

also read

  • Marten mating season
  • Closed season for martens
  • Do martens keep coming back?

Is it legal to catch a marten?

Martens are subject to hunting law. This means that only people with a hunting license are allowed to hunt, catch and / and kill martens. Nevertheless, there is also a possibility for laypeople to get rid of chicken- or insulation-eating martens: the live trap. With a live trap are also allowed Non-hunters a Catch martens and subsequently expose.

Caution: Illegal marten hunting can result in a fine of up to 5000 € or even a prison sentence!

Marten and closed season

Martens, including stone marten, are not allowed to be hunted all year round. the

Closed season varies from state to state, but usually extends from the beginning of March to mid-October. Illegal marten catching during the closed season is punished even more severely.

How do I catch a marten?

There are various types of live traps that can be used to catch marten, which you can either buy from specialist retailers or make yourself. In any case, it is important to build a mechanism that allows the marten into the trap but not out again. Instructions, Tips and tricks for catching marten and trapping You will find here.

To lure the marten into the trap, you should offer it treats. Particularly like to eat martens:

  • Eggs
  • Dried fruits
  • nuts

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