Use ideas for the meadow clover

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Use red clover in the kitchen

the Red clover sprouts have a mild taste. They become in the germinal apparatus sown. They are ready for harvest after six to eight days and are eaten in salads or as a topping on bread.

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  • Giersch Use: In the kitchen and natural medicine
  • Red clover is edible - red clover goes well with this food
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Herbal tea can be made from the fresh or dried herb of the red clover.

The flowers are very showy red or pink in color. They are therefore good in flower salads, on bread, in soups or as Eatable Decoration of vegetable, cheese or sausage platters.

Well-known medicinal plant since ancient times

Red clover has a variety of ingredients that can be used against a number of ailments:

  • Isoflavones
  • Tannins
  • Proteins
  • essential oils
  • Glycosides
  • phenolic substances

Red clover has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Ancient herbal books recommend its use for intestinal problems and constipation, as well as in the treatment of ulcers.

Use of red clover in modern natural medicine

Red clover is used externally as an ointment or internally as a tea or capsule.

Red clover is recommended for blood purification, for loss of appetite, gout, rheumatism, liver weakness and constipation.

Does red clover help with menopausal symptoms?

Today red clover is valued primarily for its high content of isoflavones. As phytoestrogens, they are said to be effective against symptoms during menopause. Red clover is taken as a tea or in capsule form.

However, no scientific evidence has yet been found about the actual effects of red clover against hot flashes and other problems during menopause.

On the contrary, experts advise against using red clover as hormone replacement therapy, as serious side effects cannot yet be ruled out.


In the wild, red clover is very common in nutritious meadows and on fields. Before the red blossoms but you should check that fields and meadows have not been treated with pesticides. The locations should also not be used as dog playgrounds.

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